little big planet part 1clone saga

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Once opon a time there was a world with imagination. and wonder to flying cars ,and ugly keepers ,sleeping fishes to ,giant dishes and stuff like that . So heres a story about a little planet with big imagination.



So my story is about a tiring adventure. Oh and my name is ,Sackboy Im an imagination person ,and you might know me from the ps3 game , but this is a video game novelesation , so sit back and relax and listen to the story.



So, Im am very tired of going on adventures every day ,its kinda like going to school.

So Im gonna change that by , making a clone . A FEW DAYS LATER .....

Im done . I does look like me its just that, it hs four arms .In the machine , I made a hole . Just in case I wanted to put the clone back inside ,and create him again .

little big planet part 1clone sagaWhere stories live. Discover now