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"Hey there!!! Are you new here??" someone asked.

"" Blair asked while pointing at her self."

" girlll !!! can you see someone else here?? no right, it's only two of us or are you thinking that i'm asking to this pole..."that someone explained.

"Ehh~whatever well, yes,i'm new here". Blair said

"BY the way what is your name??"Blair asked.

"Ohh great!!!"someone clapped excitedly.

"I am Roma...Roma jieo..Nice to meet you."Roma said while extending her hand for handshake.

"nice to meet you too...I'm Blair rozen."Blair said while accepting her hand, as they handshake.

"Okay then I'll go...I have alot work to do as you can see."Blair said while making faces and looking around herself ,making Roma laugh a little on her face.

"Yes!! you should go and if you need any help then let me know.My house is just next to you, I'll help ."Roma said smiling.

"Yes!! Thank you so much" Blair thanked.

"After bidding their bye's they went their individual ways. Blair enter inside her house with her stuffs and start arranging them, while arranging the stuffs something drop out of her bag she took it in her hand and stared at it for a couple of minutes with emotional-less and starting talking to it-"It would be so good if I would not have saw you searching for it...It would be good for all of us but 'Fate' no one can change it. I would've changed it for you, if you've listen to me but anyways now it's became a past we shouldn't hold onto our past and keep moving on that's life right ? you said this to me anyways .I gotta go, I am hungry you rest okay." She kissed it and kept it on the side table with the thought of keeping It inside her wardrobe later after she done with her hunger. So with this thought she went to the nearest shop for buying some noodles. After paying for her noodles she went out of the shop, after walking few steps she heard her name called by someone from behind she turned around and 'Roma' she whispered after she saw Roma running toward her not alone but with someone who is also trying to match his steps with Roma". As now Roma is just Infront of Blair breathing heavily same goes with that certain someone."

'Today I got to know that my potato can run so fast. (he said breathing heavily)' Roma just simply slapped his shoulder a little and turned toward me as her eyes fall onto the polythene bag I was holding in my right hand.'

'As she asked-'Don't tell me you're planning to spent you're night just on noodles??'

'I replied- unhh~ Yes, as you know shifting and stuffs. I am so tired to make something so and also tomorrow i'm joining university here so if I didn't sleep on time then i'll miss it.'

'Roma-ohhh yeah you've told me.'

'That boy with Roma interrupted her while saying-hey which university?'

'Blair was about to answer his question when.'

'Roma said-Blair, This is Eren my bestfriend and Eren, This is Blair my new friend, and Blair you are not eating any noodles you are coming with us we are going to eat in the nearest restaurant, OKay ?'

.*she hold Blair's hand and was about to walk but stopped as she failed to move Blair from her place*.

' why, what happened???-Roma asked'

'She understood by looking at Blair who was being nervous looking at 'Eren'.

'Roma said- Don't worry about this dumb-head okay, now let's go.'

'She hold both Eren's and Blair's hand and pull them with her.'

"After returning home back Blair direct went to sleep but some muffling sound could be she get up from the bed and went to check as her eye balls fall on something unexpected."

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