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I am pulling up to the actual mansion that I'm staying at for cheap. Like 100 dollars a month or so. The owner must be filthy rich. Actually the girl who called me said that there were going to be some monsters living here too. Yeah that would make sense and all, considering they used gold as a common currency. Of course they would have a fortune.

I just quickly ran through my head of what I had with me so that I could start planning how to get everything to my room.

Computer and monitor, Drawing tablet with a screen to see where I am drawing. Blankets, suitcase with clothes and hygiene products. The normal shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush/comb.

And I had my precious phone in my pocket. Perfectly safe.

I pulled up. And I decided to park out of the way of the other cars, y'know, to be polite.

There was someone at the door already so it could be a good idea to meet them as soon as possible, might be waiting. And I don't know how long they've been waiting.

"Hey, I was told to come to this address so I could be roommates with them. This the place?" I decided to be casual about it, no need to be fancy. I am living with them supposedly.

"Yea, I was told that we'd be getting a new club member. Go on in, pretty sure there's someone waiting. Door's unlocked."

I wasn't sure if I should go in without someone else.

"Hey, actually I finished what I was doing. So you don't have to go in by yourself. Just hang on for a sec." I was very relieved to hear that, I didn't want to walk in like I owned the whole thing.

While walking I wanted to not get lost, so I was looking around. Making a lot of mental notes of the place.

It was very large but simple. We headed around a corner to a connecting dining room, living room and kitchen. Off to the side there were stairs leading up. A few doors supposedly to closets and bathrooms.

And there were a couple of skeletons in the kitchen. From what I could see, one was tall, the other not so much.

"Hey, aren't Victoria and the others meant to be around? Her 'friend' is here." The way he said friend made me notice how tense he looked while I peeked my head out from behind him.

The two skeletons were now looking over at the both of us. The tall skeleton had a red scarf. I immediately recognized him as THE Papyrus, the monster 'mascot'.

"Oh hey! You're Papyrus right? The monster's representative from when you guys first came up! That's really cool!" The two in the kitchen looked a bit surprised before Papyrus smiled with an orange blush.

"Oh! Thank you Victoria's friend! I hope to get to know you..?"

"Of course! That would be really fun." I was very happy to meet him. This was such a cool moment! I got to make a good impression with him!

"YES!! We could have so much fun! Work outs, cooking, cleaning, oh! Friendship lessons..." He started going on and on about activities to do together. He started talking out of the blue so I didn't really get the first few things he said.

He was wearing a blue bandanna, it honestly looked pretty cute on him.

"So what are you two making?" The first guy interrupted the blue bandanna.

"Oh, we were planning on at least seventeen different types of sandwiches as we don't know what our new roomie would like! But now we can just ask since they're so early!" Papyrus then gestured to me.

"What type of sandwich would you like for lunch? Any allergies?"

"I like anything with bacon. And no known allergies."

"Yes! We'll get working on them right away!"

"Would you two like any help?"

"No, no! Perhaps some other time!"

"Alright." I was hoping to 'taste-test' some bacon or something... oh well.

The first guy started walking in another direction, so I tailed him. "So, what do we do now..?"

"Honestly? Just wait for Victoria because I don't know what to do. I don't really know where your room would be or what either. So you're stuck with me until then."

"Oh! That does make sense, I don't think I got your name..."

"Mutt, but let's talk about you."

"What's your name?"

"Yin, Yin MC Carma."

"Cool, you have a hobby, or a job?" I didn't notice but Papyrus and his friend were both listening in.

"Yeah, commissions mostly. But I'm looking into a part-time job nearby. I do have enough to pay rent for a while. So you don't need to worry about the money." I added that last bit in, in case he was worried about the money.

"That's cool, anything else to know about yourself?"

I took a second to think about it. Other than fanfics and my channel, I couldn't think of much. "I have pretty expensive equipment. And I don't really have anything else notable about me. I'm pretty much an average person with generally good luck."


"Oh! Yin!! You're here! You're early!!" There was a blur as I was tackled onto the couch out of nowhere.

"Victoria... could I talk with your 'friend' here..?"

"Oh yeah! Sit down! We can all talk while in comfort!"

"I actually meant alone..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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