The Guest Lecturer

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Author's note:

This is sort of an AU because I loved Serkan as a professor in season 2.

His love for architecture was meant to be shared so you have guest lecturer Serkan in here.

I did two POVs which is really not my forte but I needed a little challenge.

So enjoy it :D

What the hell was I thinking 6 months ago when I said yes to being a guest lecturer at the University of London, Faculty of Architecture & Landscape Architecture.

I let Engin & Piril convinced me that after all the drama with Selin & our « breakup » I should get away from Artlife or she would make my life miserable. Well our five years together were already miserable (at least for me...) I hated being with her, it was like my hand was being held by a Leech and my lips kissed by a ghoul. Physically intimacy with her was always out of the question even if people believed we were a golden couple. I was dead inside for years, starting to believe that I would stay like that forever.

London, first day of class

Serkan's POV

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Serkan Bolat, I come from Istanbul Turkey & I co-founded my firm Artlife just fresh out of college with my two best friends Engin & Piril.

As we are only 21 including me in this class would you please introduce yourself & your major. I know we have a great mix of architects & landscape architects.

No to put any pressure on you but I need an architect and a landscape architect at Artlife at the end of my tenure here so let's get to work everyone.

I listen to every one of them introducing themselves & their major. Suddenly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen stands up her name is Eda, landscape architect & a fellow citizen. I don't know how is it possible but my heart is racing so fast just telling me that I want her to be mine.

Eda's POV

When I registered online for this class, I didn't know who was the guest lecturer it was only mentioned that an international architect would do it.

I can't believe that my fellow countryman and Man Crush Everyday Serkan Bolat was teaching precisely that class.

So I introduce myself just like he asked stressing that I was also a fellow Turkish citizen from Istanbul. The man was too stunned to speak when I finished my introduction. I just hope it's because he is impressed & not because I am an idiot.

I just keep my gaze on him during the lesson. Every time our gazes clash I melt more and more.

London, after 3 months of class

Serkan's POV

I can't believe that coming here would be such a turning point in my life. I met the best woman I could ever dream of. After a « fight » in class when she called me a robot for not thinking about nature & flowers in my project I asked her if she could do better.

She looked me dead in the eyes and said yes. A few hours later she was in my office proving me wrong about my project & I was done for her that night.

We keep our romance on the low because of her classmates & my peers. I am not a professor at the university but I won't damage her reputation in her last semester.

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