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AS MUCH AS IRIS HATED to admit it, Seojuns little comment about Suho replacing her with Jugyeong hit a nerve and she didn't know why. She knew Suho was just helping Jugyeong out, seeing that she had been super overwhelmed by the amount of attention she was getting, and the people that were crowding around her were no help as they were just gawking and pointing as though she were some zoo animal.

Suho was just being nice and helping a fellow classmate out. So she shouldn't have been feeling as weird as she did in that moment. It's not like Suho would actually be interested in Jugyeong.

Now hold up. It's not like Iris was saying that Jugyeong was ugly or had any flaws or anything. If you asked Iris, Jugyeong was just the absolute perfect to her. She was sweet, beautiful and always thought about others before herself.

Whilst, Suho just liked keeping to himself. It had always been that way since he was younger. He wasn't very social and just hated being around people in general. Jugyeong however was the opposite of him, she was very social and loved talking to others, so that combination could never really work out if they ever tried.

So with those thoughts lingering in Iris' head, the crowd of students eventually disputed once Suho led Jugyeong away to another bathroom, that was all the way across the school. Iris debated for a few moments, but then ended up being towards where Suho and Jugyeong had headed in hopes of checking in on the latter.

She also saw this as a chance to give her the little item she had purchased for her the day prior at the mall. Since Jugyeong had been persistent on stopping by the mall and buying a new foundation cushion, yet was unable to just moments later as something had seemed to clearly scare her. Iris decided to just purchase it for her, seeing she was getting herself a new tint anyways.

She was yet to get the girl a gift seeing that she was now officially part of their group, so she decided to just give it now. Which's why before heading to the bathroom, Iris quickly stopped by her locker and took out a small gift bag that contained the item from the makeup store in the mall.

After grabbing what she needed, she shut her locker and made her way towards the bathroom she was sure Jugyeong would be residing in. Though it took a while, mainly because the bathroom was literally across the school, once Iris arrived, she quickly headed inside, ignoring the little argument that seemed to break out between Seojuns and Suho right outside. She could deal with that later, she wasn't in the mood to start a dispute and then get upset, just yet.

Upon entering the bathroom, Iris saw a concentrated Jugyeong standing before the mirror, patting a cushion into what she assumed was setting powder, onto her cheeks. She seemed to be finishing up with whatever she was doing, so Iris decided to take this as her chance and then spoke up.

"Hey Jugyeong." she greeted.

Jugyeong however was clearly not expecting company and suddenly jumped upon hearing the familiar voice, almost dropping the product currently held in her hands, "Oh god." she muttered as she put a hand on her heart.

Jugyeong turned around and panicked when she thought that her face was still bare. But when she saw Iris' face not falter and share the same facial expression as before, she calmed down, realizing she had managed to repaint her disguise.

Iris gave her a sheepish smile, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you alright?" she asked as she now approached the brunette who finally relaxed upon seeing it was just Iris and that her disguise was still good to go.

"Yeah." Jugyeong nodded as she began set her powder away into her makeup bag, "Just touching up my makeup." she explained gesturing to her bag filled with different makeup.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃, true beauty Where stories live. Discover now