The Birth of a Goddess

195 9 5

Nobody pov

A scream was heard throughout a castle.

Inside a room, a woman was laying on the bed, crying and screaming.

Many girls were around, rubbing a rag on her head, telling her what a good job she was doing.

She screamed again, breaking a glass.

"I CAN SEE THE HEAD!!" A girl screamed.

The woman took a deep breath and pushed....letting out a blood-curdling scream.








Nothing else was heard...

Not a cry...

Not a sound...

The woman panted, as she looked.

"Why...why isn't it crying? Is it..?" She asked, panting and sweating.

The girl held the baby, trying to find a heartbeat...nothing was heard.

"She's....not breathing." 

The woman cried hard, fearing that she just lost her newborn child.

The girls around her cleaned her and hushed her, trying to calm her down, but nothing could heal a broken heart.







A few hours later

The woman walked outside, in the dark, holding her child.

She sniffled as she stopped on a hill and looked up at the night sky.

She sniffled as she stopped on a hill and looked up at the night sky

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She began to cry, holding her child close.

"Please...please anybody...please don't let my child be dead. Please...bring her back." She said, as a tear hit the ground.

As soon as the tear hit the ground, a tree began to grow making the woman back up in shock.

As soon as the tear hit the ground, a tree began to grow making the woman back up in shock

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"What?" She asked.

"Xiatian...goddess of water, I am Shuichi, the spirit tree." The tree said.

"W-What do you want from me?" Xiatian asked.

"I see that you have a young lost soul with that the reason for your sadness?" He asked.

Xiatian nodded and wiped her eyes.

"This is my daughter...I just brought her into this world...and I don't want to lose her. Is there anything you can do?" She asked, desperately.

Shuichi was silent.

"Yes...but it comes with a sacrifice." He said.

"Anything! Anything to get daughter back." She said.

"In return for you daughter, when you die, your soul will become one of the tree, making you one of the tree." He said.

"Okay. Okay, you have my word. Now my daughter." She said.

"Place her down." He said.

Xiatian placed her baby down on the ground.

The leaves on Shuichi shook, as a purple flower flew off and landed on Xiatian's hand.

A butterfly flew around her and landed on the flower.

The butterfly flew off and landed on the baby's chest

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The butterfly flew off and landed on the baby's chest.

A bright light showed as the baby raised a bit in the air.

The baby's hair turned purple, so did her eyes.

The light faded as the baby landed on the ground.

Xiatian looked, praying.

A few minutes passed, before...


Xiatian cried happily as she picked up her baby, laughing.

She got up and bowed.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU SHUICHI!!" She cried, rocking her child.

"What're you going to name her?" Shuichi asked.

Xiatian looked at him, before back at her baby, who was asleep.

She smiled and kissed her head.

"Yes. But, I have to go now. Thank you, Shuichi." Xiatian said, as she turned back.

Shuichi glowed before dimming down.








"My lady! Are you okay?! We saw a bright light and we feared the most!!!" The maids yelled.

Xiatian raised a hand.

"Everything is fine. my daughter." She said, as she showed them the breathing baby.

"She's okay!!"

"Our prayers have been answered!!"

"This calls for a celebration!!"

The maids cheered and yelled.

The baby woke up and looked around.

She laughed, as everyone cooed and awed.

"What's her name, my lady?" A maid asked.

"Fuji. Her Fuji."

Okay, next part will be out tomorrow or soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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