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really circle...

"hi circle" Circle said epicly putting on sunglasses. "Hi Circle UwU" Circle replys doing that uwu thing from 2020. "Wanna kiss" Circl said cirlce "Uh nah thx tho circle" Circle circled while doing a backflip. "Okay circle" Circle said cooly "Circle" Circle cirled circle cirle cirel circle circ "Same cirlce" Circle meow "okay we can circle now circle" Circle ciceriega. "C-Circle ok" Circle played Lemon Circles best song 'Two Circles' and they sang along really rally loud "TWO CIRCLESHAIVIMG-" They circly screamed. "Waw u good singer" Circle blush "SAme " Circle blush. "Circle blush" Circle blush "Same" They smooched rlly circly and Circle,Circle,Circle,Circle,Circle,Circle,Circle, and circle with a mole watched the whole super dooper schmooper long kiss and then went on hiatus

the end

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