Part one

121 2 5

Stans POV

I walk down the school halls, seeing Wendy talking to Bebe. Wendy notices me, the chitter chatter of students surrounding the halls. "Hey Stan." She smiles awkwardly, "there's a party at Tolkiens, I was wondering if you were coming." She asked. Party at Tolkiens? It is a Friday after all. "His parents are out so we have the whole place." She explains, "there's gonna be food and drinks." She finishes as the bell rings. "It's at eight, consider it." She waves, walking off with Bebe.


I shake my head, Kyle wouldn't want me getting drunk...but one wouldn't hurt me or him.


I arrive to Tolkien's house, bright lights shining through the windows as I hear muffled music. I head inside, many familiar voices greeting me. I wander around, spotting Wendy and Bebe. My eyes widen as I realize the two are making out... "W-Wendy?!" I gasp, shocking her. "S-Stan! It's not what it looks like!" She tries to explain, but I run off. I bump into Kenny, he's holding some alcohol. "Mmmhm?" I look past him and see more drinks on the counter. I run past him, confusing him. I grab one of bottle and chug it.

"Mmhm!" Kenny cheers me on, I hear many people cheer as I chug the whole thing. I start to feel dizzy, the floor sways as I stumble around. A few minutes past and I find myself out on the streets.


Kyles POV

I walk out of my house for a refresher, I loved the night and I had been doing my homework for a long time. My eyes then widened as I saw Stan stumbling on the sidewalk, waddling weirdly as if he couldn't balance. "Stan?!" I shout, running down my driveway to support him. "Are you okay?" I ask, waiting for an answer. "Y-eah..*hic* I'm fineee..." he chuckles. The smell of alcohol alarms me, was Stan drinking? He suddenly pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Stan...have you been drinking?" I ask, unsure of what to do as my super best friend hugs me tightly. "Mmh~ nuh uh...*hic* why should I tell you?..." he laughs stupidly, clinging onto me. I raise an eyebrow, "I suppose I should take you home then..." I murmur, then I feel Stans hand cover my mouth. "Nonono...I wanna stay with you..." he pleads.

What do I do? I mean, he is my super best friend, what else can I do?

I lead Stan inside my house into my room. He sits on my bed and stares at me, his eyes droopy but determined. "Lemme cuddle you..." he mumbles. "What was that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Did he say what I think he said?... "lemme cuddle you...!" He said again, louder. My face heats up. I gulp, not knowing what to do other than obey. I walk over to Stan and sit down next to him, unsure of what to do next. Stan grabs me and places me next to him as we lay down on my mattress. I feel his arms wrap around me. Am I doing the right thing?... gah! What else can I do? I accept my fate and hug him back, feeling myself rest against his body. The last thing i see is Stan's face, his peaceful presence as I drift off to sleep.


Stans POV

My eyes flutter open to see Kyle in my arms, his familiar calming face and his body rising and falling in a reassuring pattern. My eyes widen and my face heatens up as I realize that I was drunk last night and the possibility that I might've fucked my super best friend last night. I shift up, my sudden movement making Kyle stir. I silently curse myself. "H-huh?..." Kyle yawns, rolling onto his back to stare up at me. His eyes widen in shock as he shoots up. "I-it's not what you think!" He tries to explain, his face red. I would've assumed mine was to. "Kyle?...what happened?!" I panic, "I didn't...we didn't..." I blush, the thought making me... gah!

Kyle shakes his head, "nonono, we didn't." He reassures. "Did I do anything embarrassing?" I smiles nervously, fiddling with the bedsheet. Kyle sighs. "I found you stumbling down the sidewalk and you wouldn't stop hugging me and asking to stay with I brought you in since I didn't want you getting hurt." Kyle rubs the back of his head. Kyle always was so caring, I was lucky to have such a good friend. "T-thanks dude, I really owe you one..." I look up into his eyes. "It's fine dude." He smiles. I look at his curly ginger hair, zoning out and remebering what Wendy had done.

"Dude? You okay?" Kyle asks, snapping me out of it. I shake my head. "Yeah...wait no! I'm not!" I blurt out, making Kyle look at me with concern. "What happened last night, Stan?"Wendy cheated on me last night..." I admit, looking down sadly. "She doesn't deserve you anyway." Kyle puts his hand on my shoulder. I look up to see his face, his lovely eyes and perfect lips.

I couldn't hold it back anymore, the horrible headache made me lose my senses as I shooter forward, smashing my lips against his. I hear him moan in surprise as I kiss him passionately. I pull back, seeing his eyes full of shock... "oh..shit sorry Kyle!" I stammer, quickly sliding off his bed. "W-wait- Stan!" I hear him call as I bolt out of his room and run out of his house.

He hates me...

Why'd I mess it up!

I always mess it up!

I'm useless!

He'll never love me!

I'm stupid!

I cry as I run to my house, opening the door and running to my bedroom. I lock my door and jump into my bed. I faceplant into my pillow and cry my eyes out.


I'm so evil, dont worry I promise things will get better...hopefully 🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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