~A Thunderstorm~

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I am drunk maybe because I drank two bottles and now I am onto my third...I am sitting on the shore, cool winds hitting my face, waves hitting the shore and soon the rain will hit the land. Even though it's day but it's dark but I wonder why I cannot see anyone!? Wind touching my face is the only thing keeping me sane

She stood at her place and opened her arms. The winds were so strong that as she stood up, she stumbled and her bottle fell down. She saw her bottle and then towards nowhere and again towards her broken bottle. She moves forward against the wind and removes her sweatshirt, and throws it as if challenging the wind, which made her sweatshirt blows away. Suddenly, it starts raining which diverted her actions. As the droplets touched the land she let herself drop with the dropping droplets. She moved her face towards the sky which was completely dark and showing signs of a thunderstorm. She kept looking up for a while until she couldn't breathe anymore. She immediately turned her face down and take deep breaths. While she was on her knees this whole time, on getting tired she completely sat down. She started shivering and she looked for her sweatshirt here and there while sitting only. She remembered it blown away, now she was just there in a tank top shivering, she got up and again see in nowhere and started walking towards it. She was stumbling, either she was too drunk or due to movement against the wind, but she didn't stop.

Reaching the end, she stops and was ready to shout but then she saw someone swimming. She rubbed her eyes a few times and then she again focused on the figure but this time she was completely startled. She saw the fishtail. She again rubbed her eyes and slapped herself. She saw the figure going away but because of its height she still could see but as it was going away from her visible range. She moved forward with her arm in the air to stop the retreating figure but as she just moved forward there was no land ahead and she fells down. Without understanding anything, she closed her eyes and fell as if she was accepting her fate with her whole heart.

Now, I am hitting the water...

As she hit the water, lightning struck down which made the water glow from the inside she opened her eyes to witness this beauty and a few seconds later sound could be heard. Its impact was so strong that it made waves hit her harder and strongly took her with them. While sinking down, she moved towards the stones. Without any signs of resistance, she went with the flow of waves. The moment she hits the stones, her eyes slowly close and the light fades down and is completely dark as she closed her eyes.

Her eyes open suddenly due to daylight. She immediately got up but due to weakness she fell back and heard a voice, ' Careful now! You don't want to hurt yourself.' She saw the person who was adjusting the curtains letting the sun rays enter and she continued, ' Storm was harsh but we are used to it but tourists are not.' She turned and looks toward her with her light blue eyes and her pink slim lips curled into a smile. She was wearing a white dress with a blue necklace hugging her neck. She took the tray which was near the entrance while doing the actions, she speaks, ' Storm remained for three days. But it's a lovely day today.' She reached the bed and checked her. She again smiles and looks at her confused face,' You won't ask me any questions. Usually, people ask that...' before she could continue. She spoke,' I am perfectly well. My senses are alright. I know I am in my hotel room and I remember I was drowned in the sea. If you could tell me about the person, who saved me!? That would help... And' She takes a pause and then continues, ' Was I really unconscious for three days? And can you tell me your name?' She nodded and replies, ' Yes, you were! I am just a nurse who was appointed by this hotel manager to take care of you. My name is Rishma. I am not aware of the person who helped you. Maybe you can ask the hotel manager' she just nodded and the nurse continued,' You are awake and completely alright which concludes my duty. And yes doctor will come after a while to check upon you, until then take rest. If you need any help, I am still here. It was a pleasure, Ms. Malik.' She was going to leave the room and heard a voice....' Thank you' A smile crept on her face and She left!

Haseena who was now feeling better, much better than just a minute ago, got up and took a quick shower. While taking a shower, slowly fragments of memories of that day started coming back...she drowned...light spreading in water...her fall and face towards the sky while rain droplets touched her face....her broken bottle...her frozen nose... She felt her head getting heavy. She stepped out of the shower wearing a bathrobe. She saw herself in the mirror...She removed the hue from the mirror with her hand and saw her face She took an outfit from her wardrobe white shirt and tailored beige pants. She did a ponytail a light makeup and went out.

As said by the nurse, when she got ready and came out of the dressing room. The bell rang in her room, she went toward the door and saw a doctor from the eyepiece before opening the door.

She was sitting on the sofa facing the sliding door....sunrays were kissing her skin. The doctor asked,' How are you feeling now? Haseena who was looking outside, face the doctor and speaks,' I am fine much better actually. I wanted to ask about my condition earlier.' The doctor inform her,' You had a concussion.' She got confused and thought It must be due to a hit on my head but how it is possible that I was completely....' Breaking her chain of thoughts, Doctor speaks,' Is there something you would like to ask?' She nods and asks,' I was drowned...so, my lungs were not filled with water or something. I must have been devoid of oxygen. How it is possible that I just had a concussion?' The doctor was surprised and asks her,' Are you sure? You drowned! Because you had an alcohol content in your blood we concluded you must have fallen on something hard. I assure you there was no other problem. You were out of danger this whole time but you were unconscious and didn't show any signs of improvement for three days to my surprise you're completely fine now. Nonetheless, you are fine and healthy that's the most important thing.' She got up not understanding anything but somewhere she was contented that she is safe. She speaks,' I guess I got lucky.' The doctor left the place and she thought of going down instead of having breakfast in her room.

She went down and had her breakfast. She thought of meeting the manager to thank him and to ask about the person who saved her. She was on her way to reception to ask about the manager but she saw him standing there only. She greeted him with a smile and they sat in a lobby.

The manager speaks,' Mam, I hope you are doing fine.' Haseena smiles and nods and then she speaks,' Yes, I am well. I wanted to thank you for that nurse and also can you please tell me about the person who brought me back?' Manager smiled confusingly,' But mam, why you are thanking us about the nurse and about another thing you were in your room and Doctor came to check up on you, regularly! That's how we got to know about your condition.' Haseena in slight surprise,' Ohh! But I must thank you for appointing the nurse.'
'But Mam we didn't appoint any nurse' he speaks by moving his head sideways.
Haseena speaks in urgency,' But there was a girl in my room, she had light blue eyes and her name was Rishma.' As soon as the last word escaped her mouth, he stood up and speak,' Are you joking Mam?' Haseena while standing speaks,' why i would joke?' The manager gets frustrated a bit but speaks in a calm tone,' Mam, you don't even understand! Please wait here.' She waited and after a while, he come back with a book. He speaks while giving the book to her,' This is the history of these islands. You should read it!' And then he left.

At the end of the day, She called the reception and speaks,' I will be checking out tomorrow!' By saying this she keeps the phone and speaks,' It's time to go back to India!'

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