The library

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Tapping my pen on the bench, i anxiously wait for the bell to ring . Every second feels like an hour to me. It would be for everyone if they were to sit for an hour for a boring ass lecture.

After what feels like an eternity the bell rings and before I could get up from my seat, all my classmates rush out of the class. Guess it wasn't just me who was eager to leave. And our professor glances at the students shocked. Poor guy he must have thought we hated his lectures.

I leave the class and rush towards the library with a big smile on my face. I squeal internally when I spot him inside. I stop myself at the entrance and take a deep breath to calm my self down.

After a few seconds i enter and smile at the librarian who sat behind the computer. She nods her head in return. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she found about my crush.

I hope she doesn't confront me about this. That would be so embarrassing!

I walk over to the various bookshelfs and pick my self a book which I don't even bother reading the title. I turn the pages carelessly and glanced sideways to see him sitting three tables away.

I always sit behind him cause I feel too shy to face him but today I decided to sit on the opposite table.

Ok come on you can do this.

I give myself a pep talk as i stride over to the table and drag a chair out. The screeching noise echoes throughout the library and I cringe visibly.

So much for my first impression.

Avoiding the irritated glances thrown my way, I sit down and place the book on the table. I glanced at him and sighed in relief when I find airpods plugged in his ears. Thank god he didn't see me embarrassing myself.

He mindlessly turned the pages of his book looking thoroughly exhausted. I pout when I spot dark circles under his eyes. Looks like he didn't sleep yesterday. Is it because he was awake in my dream last night?

I chuckled and continued admiring how cute he looked today while I leaned back on the chair, the book covering my face except my eyes. Adorning a black and white striped shirt and black slacks, he looked absolutely handsome.

I traced my eyes over his stubble covered chin, those rosy lips mumbling coherent words, small but pointy nose, atlast his lotus shaped eyes which were looking right at me.

My eyes bulged out and my heart thudded so hard I could almost hear it in my ears. Gulping, i hid myself behind the book.
God! what is he doing to me?

Upon hearing a knock, i looked up to see him holding his book upside down. He then turned the book in the right position and motioned for me to do the same.

Realisation dawns upon me. How stupid am i to read a book upside down? I must have almost all my senses.

Offering him a nervous smile, i did as told. He chuckled and got back to his studies.

I blushed and facepalmed myself. I wanted to scream but I held it in. Next time I should plan a better idea to impress him.

Hey, at least I made him smile.

That smile. Just thinking about it is enough for me to feel butterflies in my stomach. How can a human being so perfect? The girl who gets him sure is lucky.

I don't know how much time passed but when the bell rang, he got up from his seat and started packing his bag.

I bit my lip and thought of a way to talk to him. Would it be too straightforward to approach him so suddenly? Should I ask for his name?

But before I could get up, he had already walked past my table, dropping a piece of paper on the book I was holding.

I blinked twice to see if I was dreaming but I was proven wrong when I turned around to see him smiling at me. As If it wasn't enough for my heart to bust, he smirked and mouthed 'call me' mimicking his hand as a phone.

I nodded in a daze as he left the library. Never in my wildest dream i had thought this would happen.

Picking up the paper, I unfolded it to reveal his phone number. I squealed quietly and held it close to my chest.

Still relieving from the shock, i got up from my seat and made a beeline for my class. I can't wait to go home.


Hey guys! It's been a while since I posted. Thought I'd try something new. Hope you all like this.

Do you guys need part-2?

Please comment and like

Word count: 846

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