VII: communtity service

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A/N ^^the outfit is later on when Maya and Anna start wearing the thong

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A/N ^^the outfit is later on when Maya and Anna start wearing the thong

-LOLITA WAS RUNNING a bit late to class since her mom woke her up very late so here she was running, literally, to her homeroom class trying to get there before the bell rang which was in a minute

Lolita made it in time and took a seat next to Anna and Maya sat up in her seat a bit so the two girls can hear her

"Mr. O's underwear is sticking out" Maya whispered, ew why was she even looking that close

"Oh my God!" Anna whispered back in disgust

"I would like to put my head in the butt part and I would wear it on my face as a mask to fall asleep " Maya said like if it was normal with Anna nodding in agreement

"Ew Maya that's like so disgusting" Lolita gagged getting eye rolls in return from the girls

"All right, settle down people" Mr. O began talking "It's Monday we had a lot to talk about"

"But first and foremost is signing up for your mandatory community service poster" Her said holding papers up in his left hand

"More like community suck-vice" Brandt yelled from the back resulting in the class to start laughing

"That wasn't even funny" Lolita said loudly for the class to hear and turned around to roll her eyes at Brandt who stuck his tongue out mockingly

"All right Lolita, Brandt enough" Mr. O sighed "I doubt you will be saying that when you hear the extremely cool options" Lolita rolled her eyes again at the mention of her name

"OK, Sams dad is delivering meals to the homeless" He said and Lolita turned around in her seat to stare at Sam who was sat behind her

"PB&J making party at my house!" Sam shouted getting no reaction but awkward looks his way

"That's just sad" Lolita sighed turning back around

"Yeah.. all right" Mr. O awkwardly said "There's a river trash pick up, you can scrape gum off the bridge" He listed off

"That one" Maya said hitting Anna's and Lolita's shoulder and Lolita grimaced she did not want to be scraping gum

"And finally, Heathers mom is hosting a fashion show at the nursing home. Huh?" He said and girls started talking amongst their friends silently picking that as their option to do

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