poem 1

19 1 1

Rain pours down our leathery skin,
What we once feared is now our only friend.
Darkness is home, light is dread,
Stare at the stars, but wish we were dead.
Close your eyes and calm the screams,
Life is hell and sleep is a dream.
Stay up 'till six, stare at the wall,
What we once loved, we now hate most of all.
The sun shines so brightly, it blinds us within,
Fabricating the vision that sadness is sin.
Tears mix with the downpour, we sing our last song,
The night closes in, we know we are lost.
The wails of the wind, the hate in the storm,
We feel safe, for we are also torn.
The clouds will never part, the moon our only light,
We're ready to give up, we know we've lost the fight.
Joy is an illusion, in misery we cry,
We'd once as for help, we would howl to the skies.
No more shall we beg, it is pointless to try,
We tell them the truth, they deny deny deny.
We are disappointments, we are useless,
We try to smile, but our grins are toothless.
We trust the night, we hate the day,
The sun is our enemy, but we dance in the rain.
We know we will die, with our hopes, with our dreams,
We know we will drown beneath the screams.
We make our last wish as a star shoots by,
We lay in the grass, lay dead under the sky.

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