𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝔁𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷

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Basically Y/n spends a relaxing day with her wife<3

(⚢) fluff
Words: 1055


I slowly rose out of my dreams, turning in the white silky covers of my and Cordelia's shared bed. Even though my eyes were still closed, I felt the sunrays shine into my face.

I tried to open my eyes, but failed when I realized how bright the sun was this day. She reminded me of my love. Getting up every morning to brighten all of our days, so we could be happy all day.

Exactly that was Cordelia Goode to me, my sun.
Smiling due my thoughts, I turned around to look at my wife sleeping so angelic, I could have mistaken her for an angel fallen on earth.
Since she was sleeping, I took my time to roam my eyes all over her face. She is truely mesmerizing, I felt like falling in love with her all over again.

Her pale skin shone in the orange sunlight, the beautymarks all over her body were alluring to kiss every single on of them at least one time. Her long blonde hair framed her face seeming golden to me. Her long eyelashes were like a curtain hiding the beautiful brown orbs which I adored so much. Her plump lips in a perfect shade of pink were like a magnet to mine, once they connected it was hard to get them seperated again.

The urge to kiss her was to strong, so I quietly moved a bit nearer to her, kissing her bare shoulder a few times. Her skin was so soft and warm against my lips, I never wanted to feel anything different against them.
Suddently Cordelia shuffled lightly in the covers, a smile tugged at her lips.
She turned to face me even though her eyelids haven't revealed the orbs I craved for so bad. She just leaned into me, finally connecting her lips with mine.

And like her lips were a drug and I was addicted, I savoured her lips like the first time.

"Morning you..." she mumbled under her morning breath, trying to open her eyes.

"Good morning gorgeous" I replied pecking her lips again.They were just to kissable to not to.
"And good morning to you too little one" I added while my hand moved under the white covers to rest on the small bump which formed on Cordelia's belly.

After Cordelia and I had been married for 2 years and had been together for 4, we decided it would be the right time to dilate our mini family. It has been like a wonder, since Cordelia thought she could never be pregnant. Due to witchcraft, we even could both be biological parents.

"Oh shush Y/n, don't you wake her up. She finally stopped dancing in there." Cordelia replied to me with a whiny voice.
I rubbed some tight circles over the skin of her abdomen, daydreaming about how it would be when the little human in Delia's tummy hatched.

Suddently Cordelia moved her body in my direction and snuggled into my arms with her face in my neck.
"Wanna take a shower with me darlin'?" Cordelia mumbled into my neck after leaving some kisses behind. Then she appruptly got up and walked seductively into our en suite bathroom, at least her movements looked very seductive to me.

God this woman...

So I finally got motivated to get up and follow my wife into the shower.

Showering with Delia had always been one of my favorite things to do. It had been a way to show vulnerability and affection to one another. We would wash each others hair or spread soft kisses all over our wet backs when we hadn't any showergel on.

"I knew you'd follow me" Cordelia mumbled under her breath when she noticed me in the mirrow, standing behind her.
"If I don't sometime, kill me please" I laughted while holding strong eyecontact with her through the mirrow. She began to laugh too while turning to pull my shirt over my head.

In the shower we did the already mentioned things. A lot of kisses were spread on damp skin and lips, hair got washed and two women's bodies were tangeled into one under hot water.

After the shower we basically put on some comfortable clothes, since we weren't going to do something anyways; it was our lazy day. With damp hair we found our freshly washed bodies again resting against the cotton sheets of our unmade bed.

"Do you wanna watch a movie? Because I don't have any books left to read until my delivery arrives..." I asked slightly sad.

Me and Cordelia were both book lovers and sometimes would just lay in bed in each others arms, while our noses were both burrowed deep into the pages of our books. It was just another sort of comfort when Cordelia would lay on my stomach, while having her usual flowery scent in my nose.

"Of course! Let's just watch atomic blonde or something, I would like to go for a 'bad bitch' movie today."
I just smiled at Cordelia's movie recommendation, since she knew it was one of my favorites.

I mean...come on, who can blame me? Hot sapphic blonde with bad bitch energy? Yes please.


I knew the movie was done when the end credits music rang through my ears.
Did I slept in?

I peaked my left eye open and turned to Cordelia, just to find her staring at me.
"Hello sleepyhead..."
"Sorry, the last days were really exhausting..." I excused myself even though I knew I had not to. Such a simple thing was nothing to excuse about Cordelia always preached in her lessons. She really is a wise witch.

"Don't be." Cordelia wispered while she moved her head in front of mine to quickly peck my lips. Her hands glided into my neck, while she hovered above me. Me both looked at each other lovingly, me tugging at her white t-shirt to have her nearer.
This time it was me who closed the gap between our lips, my thumps lightly rubbing circles on my wife's cheeks. Our tongues found each other quickly and danced in unison for an eternity, before we pulled back to inhale fresh oxigen.

"You know I love watching you sleep, my love..."

Herbs of her Heart || 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now