The piss incident

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One day in a galaxy far far away Luke had a problem. The problem was piss. He had to. A little back story Luke had a best friend a best friend named Clark and Clark was a little bit of a prankster. One specific day Clark who may have known that Luke had to go to a funeral for a relative that Luke had never known existed later that day. Invited Luke over to hang out. What Luke didn't know was that Clark had also invited a bunch of other people for a massive "water drinking contest" and when everyone got there confused everyone drank double their weight in water. So anyway back to Luke. There He was sitting in the middle of a funeral bladder imploding in on its self nearly bursting. "Luke are you alright? " his mother asked " uhhhh" Luke responding. No Luke was not alright Luke sprinted out of that church so fast unfortunately Luke was too late. Luke didn't have time to pull down that zipper. Luke shed a tear that day but only one. Luke knew what he did but he wasn't embarrassed he owned up to it. One day a girl laughed at him calling him the "dead pisser" so he snapped her neck. She was a insecurity zombie You know those zombies that insult you wile they try and kill you. I hate those ones. Did I forget to mention that this is a zombie apocalypse Story? Oops uh yea well there's a lot of zombies. Anyway Luke  was kind of praised for his actions. When Luke made it back to the bunker (having to kill half a dozen or so zombies) he went strait to Wendy. His beautiful girlfriend who immediately told him to take a shower and change.

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