XII: Pool

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-LOLITA WAS ALL CALL WITH Anna and Maya as Lolita was digging through her closet for a bathing suit to wear Maya and Anna were playing 'MASH'

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-LOLITA WAS ALL CALL WITH Anna and Maya as Lolita was digging through her closet for a bathing suit to wear Maya and Anna were playing 'MASH'

"Okay, and i'm adding for you 2,000 kids" Maya spoke through the phone

"Oh, My God" Anna laughed at the ridiculous amount

Lolita internally cringed at the thought that Anna and Maya probably got touched two days ago at the dance

"I'm doing it" Maya scoffs

"Okay tell me when to stop" Maya spoke and you can hear the sound of her marker through the phone, that was brought up to Lolita's ear as she found something to wear for the pool party today

"Stop" Anna said after a while

"Okay, 12" Spoke Maya as she began counting and crossing them out and circling the winners

"Okay you're not with Brendan" And with that Anna's clearly noticeably sight of relief was heard

"Ugh, oh my God, i dont want to be mean, but he's like obsessed with me so.." Anna trailed off and Lolita perked up at that

"I heard he has a new girlfriend, i'm not sure who tho" Lolita spoke picking a pair of shorts out to wear over her bathing suit

"Yeah right" Maya laughed "So, you live in a mansion, which is amazing. Ooh! A BMW 8 Series! You have four kids and you we're literally one away from getting Alex" Maya laughed and Anna's small 'Yes' could be heard after Maya said the mansion

"I just feel like I want him a little bit less right now, cause he dissed me at the dance or whatever, and i'm like 100 percent sure he wants Lolita so.." Anna spoke and Lolita's heart slightly dropped wondering if she was mad or not

"Such an asshole, should we even like go to Spencer's pool party?" Maya said hitting something

"Like, who's even gonna be there, just gonna be Sam..Gabe, Jafeer... I just" Maya continued complaining

"Maybe we just stop in" Ann thought of

"Yeah, like for literally a second, let's just like say hi be seen and then like, Bye-Bye we got places to go" Maya tried to convinced but they all knew they were going to be there for much longer

"Guys i go to go, Maya you're still picking me up right?" Lolita's soft voice said as she finally picked the right outfit and now she had to get ready

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