Chapter - 7

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Nobody's POV:

As soon as Seungmin snapped back to reality he realized that Minho has already left the room. Seungmin found the perfect opportunity to escape the house, he stood up slowly and limped to the door.

( if you dont know what 'limp' means, it's the action of walking with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot even though i stole this from google i think im teaching some of yall new words 😚 )

as soon as he opened the door his jaw dropped, the place was looking so luxurious like it was newly bought

"damn he must be rich asf" Seungmin didn't realize that he whispered that underneath his breath.

'oh shit. I hope he didnt hear that. Im so dumb, why did i talk?' Seungmin covered his mouth with his hands. He looked around to see if there was anyone outside. The Mansion was empty and so silent that when you talk your voice echos.

Seungmin looked to his left and saw a dark empty hallway with pictures hung up on the walls, some slanted and some covered in spider webs. It looked terrifying but of course, Seungmin did not hesitate to walk there. He looked at the walls while walking and there were blood stains, i mean obviously.

Seungmin walked further through the hallway and there was a door which had a padlock. Seungmin reached for the handle but as soon as he did Someone was behind him holding him by the waist tightly and covering his mouth with a cloth. Seungmin inhaled the cloth but after a few seconds he felt dizzy and fainted. He could not see who that was because he could not turn his head around to look at them.
Time skip...because i said so..
2 hours later.. 5.37a.m

Minho POV:

This bitch passes out way too much, he takes forever to wake up. I am currently sitting down on the arm chair doing absolutely nothing but staring at the boy. Yes i dont even know his name, but he does not know mine either so that's fair.

I wanted to look at his facial features because why not, i teleported myself standing beside the bed where he was lying down on and bent down. My eyes explored around his face he was somewhat peacefully sleeping which i dont get at all because he was literally physically abused by someone and kidnapped by a vampire which he probably thinks they don't exist nowadays. He looked like a puppy, probably like a golden retriever, his mouth was shaped an oval with his eyes closed snoring softly, he looked kind of cute.. i guess. I was staring at him for the next 10 minutes because i dont have anything else to do.

Seungmin POV:

I opened and closed my eyes slowly and found the same kidnapper staring at me. But the bed i was lying on felt like a cloud it was so comfortable that i dont want to get up, but you know there is a bigger problem right infront of my eyes.

I gasped with my eyes wide open staring at him. "Why are you everywhere!? And what are you, i want answers" I questioned. "Thats for you to find out right?" he replied, "Okay..whats your name. How old are you? Why did you bring me here. Come on those are the most simplest questions you need to answer them" I mean they are the most basic questions people ask each other right? name, age?. "Lee Minho, 23. I brought you here because you were looking like dead rat which was stepped on" wow did he just insult me? "Okay listen here LeE MInHo i am not a rat and i can take care of myself. Its so obvious that your a killer, there is blood everywhere, so if you want to kill me do it now or let me go back home" I was acting normal on the outside but im terrified on the inside, i don't know why i asked him to kill me now, I have some monster infront of me and i can die any second now i should be running but that will increase the risk of me getting killed.

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