all that is on my mind

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I love woogi very much hence this is my only contribution that i am capable of giving with regards to them. i dont write as often anymore, but I hope everyone enjoyed this a tad bit, if not hated it. Inspired by a particularly difficult day  i had in the clinic.

I do apologize for any typos. I'm a very bad proofreader.



It was four hours later when wooyoung finally found the opportunity to give himself a break.

It had been hectic since the morning of his shift, and he wanted nothing more than to go home. With three of his patients being absent to the clinic, and having to replace his coworker's shift who quit their job without further warning – there was only so much that wooyoung could do in a short span of an hour when he came to the clinic at eight in the morning with so much information to take in.

For one, the clinic he worked in didn't exactly offered the best kind of employee welfare, and if it wasn't obvious enough from the way his coworker quit their job unannounced – it could be seen pretty evidently on wooyoung's eyes (and the pause, and the sigh, and the meaningless stare towards the clinic door) every day he checked in for work, before wiping everything off his face to step in as any other clinician would, and greet the people at the front counter with a smile.

Now, after seeing four patients in a row with no break, with another coming in since he had to replace the spot of his now gone coworker (wooyoung was pretty sure this was illegal and
Not the way to go, but well, the establishment had always been one to prioritise their patients in the wrong ways), wooyoung slumped back against the office chair, tilting his head back as he rubbed his eyes. Maybe he felt his vision blurring, maybe he even felt some hot tears in his eyes, but perhaps it was just the two hour sleep he got last night from trying to finish the paperwork for his patients.

A cold sensation on his forehead caused him to yelp, and when he opened his eyes, there was an apple juice can being held over his eyes by a way too familiar hand; Seonghwa.

"Here," his experienced coworker, a year his senior, offered. "You look like shit."

Wooyoung meekly smiles and takes the can of juice, popping it open as he gulps the liquid down. It had just occurred to him that he hadn't had anything to eat before he stepped into the clinic. His stomach grumbles at the thought.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take over some of your patients today – I'm so sorry for what happened," Seonghwa offers an apologetic look, knowing from experience how awful it was that Wooyoung had to do so much in such a short amount of time. Sure, their previous coworker may have left their therapy plans and the patient's files were neatly filled with detailed information from previous sessions – but it didn't eliminate the fact that wooyoung had so much to go through in one hour for four patients; one hour for each.

"Yeah well," Wooyoung smacks his lips. "Shit happens."

"I would have offered to help if I could, but I had extra patients to do sessions with today myself," Seonghwa sighs disappointedly. If there was anyone in the world who knew more about the speech clinic, it would be Seonghwa; a result of the five years of experience he had of working in the establishment – the outcome of getting a scholarship from the same establishment and now having to pay it back. In the worst working conditions possible.

Wooyoung only smiles. He knows Seonghwa is hanging in there himself. And hey – work isn't always bad – it's always rewarding to help children and adults alike; there is an indescribable joy in being able to teach a child to spontaneously call their parents for the first time, and the triumph in being able to provide a different communication system for those who could no longer verbally talk, and the swell of pride in him when he's able to make the experience of someone who was transitioning even better, just by teaching them how to alternate their vocal cords. There is so much to look forward to in the field of helping people, and yet establishments like these – which overwork their employees to the brim in refusal to take new interns, who blame you when the patient doesn't make expected progress, and ignore the complaints you have when you reach out to human resources – is what ruins the profession; a job both Wooyoung and Seonghwa love very much.

all that is on my mind ; woogi.Where stories live. Discover now