Lemon & Tangerine

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" today is the day "

with that your sharply knock on the door in pattern . the owner of the house glance through the glass after seeing you he walk away .

" 私はそこであなたを知っています"
i know you in there

no response , fair enough it's sounds a little creepy to you as well

We both know it wasn't an accident. your family is in danger

on the his steps hult at your words .

sighing softly " please let me in " . you close your eyes head leaning on the door , you straighten at sound of lock clicking the door reveal the person your searching for weeks .

the sound of pour tea helps to clam your running mind . you feel bad for using that excuse to make him speak with you but you are getting impatient . you have seen him with his grandson couple of times but you didn't want to interpret their time , you don't know about his son concluded that him and his son didn't have the best relationship so you decided not to approach .

"you will get yourself killed if you continue " his voice was harsh but it's not out hatred or anger but geniune worry .

" i know , but when i selected this job , this assignment i made a promise to myself that I'll be truthful "

he shake his head at you give you the cup , you take it gently without let any drop fall . the tea is warm and sweet and did help you be more comfortable .

" あなたは私の孫に何が起こったのか知っていますか"
Do you know what happened to my grandson?"

yeah im sorry for what happened

" あなたは彼に責任があると思う"
you think he's responsible

"「正確には彼ではありませんが、歴史を考えると、彼. には手があるかもしれません.」"
Not exactly him, but given the history, he might have a hand .

the elder is right , fate we can't control it no matter how hard we try . even before we were born our fate has been written . everything we did , doing and done have consequences .

all the good things and bad things will come back right to us in different ways .it's was getting late , you part with your colleagues and making sure laptop and files all in there you can't loose it months of hardwork, sleepless nights and near death experience resulted in strong evidence and documents you have against one of the dangerous man , the white death .

yeah you're in deep shit.

you walk towards the bullet train as you walk by the walking momomon advertisement start to push it's self to you with plushy in its hands .

you shake your head at " no no " you softly decline as it didn't back away resulted in you crashing to a person startled you turn him ,he is native man with blonde hair , eyes hooded his shoulder is dropped as if he is trying to hide himself .he doesn't look well .

" I'm so sorry "

you apologies as you try to move back that's when you realise that his hands gripping your upper arms .

Kimura has seen your face but you didn't see him , your the journelist he seen your face time to time in news and he also saw you try to talk to his father only to get leave without anything. his son would also tell him about the girl that he seen trying to talk to his grandfather but when you see him you would just smile and walk away .there is one time he and you talked and he is pretty sure that his son have crush on the pretty girl in coat . you where also there when his son being taken in hospital . he saw you standing there with crestfallen look on your face .

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