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ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6 || 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀

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ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6 || 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀


||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||

A small, beautiful and graceful smile stretched on rose's lips gazing at mirror.
Her cheeks burned with the soft shade of shyness, thinking about the party, which her husband arrange for themselve.
She immediately put her palms over her face and giggle softly.
He loves her, he is doing everything for her, maybe he wants to start new life with her that's why he is arranging party for her, her naive brain thought while blushing hard.
But little did she knew, her glass feelings are going to collide with a wall and going to scattered into billion pieces.

She immediately run towards her closets to choose clothe for herself.

Jungkook slammed his fist on the punching bag in front of him.

Punching bag swirl little but again came to jungkook. He gritted his teeth and again punch the heavy bag with a strong force.

The heavy back swirl more harder, and again came towards him.
He immediately grab the punching bag's side with his both hands, in tight grip.

He release his tight grip, the punching bag rotate in slow pace in circular motion.

Jungkook gritted his teeth, his cold eyes sharpen, he again throw a punch on the punching bag.

" bo-boss? "

He immediately halted on his action, hearing the shivering tone of his secretary Joseph.

He immediately grab the punching bag which was swirling.
He turn his fierce gaze towards the direction of the voice.

" What? ", he growl annoyingly at his secretary.

His secretary standing at the doorway of his gym room, gulp.
He is familiar with the mood swings of his boss Jeon Jungkook.

" bo-boss arrangements fo-for the par-party is over... ", Joseph utter trying to be less scared and more professional.

Jungkook immediately remove the black gloves and throw on the ground.

Jungkook sign him to leave the room.
Secretary Joseph nodded and bowed before the leaving.

Jungkook's look at his white T-shirt, which is completely drenched with sweat as he was exercising.

He push back his dirty sweaty wet hairs with his finger.
And a smirk formed on his lips, now where she will run?
She will attend the party and he will again capture her.

He tilt his head remembering her innocent face, when he tried to touch her.
This makes him want to ruin her more.

That little woman is running on his mind in every single seconds.

Rose's lips formed a graceful smile, and her palms fisted the sides of her beautiful forest shade dress.
Her eyes roamed around the big hall which is decorated with black curtains and black-and-golden ballon.

He did this for her.

She smile at her thoughts, thinking he did this decorations for her.
Not knowing he doesn't even want to look at her.

She smile observing the crowd in hall, they are here for jungkook's wife, for her.
Being his wife cause her heartbeat fast.

She is his.
He is her.
She smile at her thoughts, her blood rushed when her gaze fell on her husband, who is sitting in the bar.
Her clutch on her forest shade gown tighten, gazing at him drinking liquor.

Jungkook sip the bitter flavor liquor with a smirk playing over his lips.
Just after few minutes his obsession will be in his house.
His clench tighten on his glass, thinking about his little one, his blood warmed thinking how she will today.
He lick his lips when her soft smell came into his mind.
He wants to smell her more.
He lift his gaze.
He smirk gazing at the entrance of the hall.

" jungkook? "

He annoyingly groan hearing familiar tone. He look at the direction of voice, his jaw clenched looking at the woman in front of his, his fvcking wife.

" what? ", he yell.

Rose flinch on her place hearing his yell, she lift her head up and her gaze meet his blue orbs.

" i want to sit beside you----"
" Get lost. ", he utter in his bitter tone.

Rose's clench on her clothes tighten hearing his bitter tone.
She look around to see if someone heard them or not.

" lost from sight! ", jungkook yell not wanting to bear her more.

Rose just look at him with her bambi eyes, hoping he will be melt.
But her expression annoyed her.

" don't freaking force me to push you away.. " jungkook rasped out while clenching the glass.

Rose gulp at his words, " jungkook---" , before she can talk further. Someone interrupt them.

" rose? ", rose immediately turn her gaze at the direction of the voice.
Her eyes get teary looking at her mother and father.
" mom. ", rose said and run to them who arr just one step far away.

Jungkook tugged his hands inside his pocket releasing rose's family.
He turn his gaze impatiently knowing his little one will be with them.

But his eyes darkened looking at only rose's father, mother and her brother jimin.

He clench his jaw, his eyes darkened more, when jimin smirk at him.

" jungkook? ", rose's father tried to call jungkook, but jungkook walk not giving any shit about them.

Jimin just smirk knowing jungkook is angry cause he didn't found Iseul.
Jimin is not dumb he knows very well why jungkook arrange this party.

He can't take risk, he didn't bring yn as he knows his sister is innocent and soft, and the man like jungkook they will surely take her advantage.

Jungkook slammed the glass on the marble floor, he clench his jaw.
Fvcking wrong move.
He growl and punch on the wall.

" this little girl.. You really deserve punishment. "


I am writing after long so maybe my writing will be svck.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗻 || J.JK Where stories live. Discover now