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WITH SUA, NAELEA, SOOJIN AND Jugyeongs help, Iris was led to the girls bathroom where she managed to wash her hands, mostly her right one as that was the one that had taken the most impact and was practically aching because of how painful the chemicals that had fallen on them had been. Her four friends assisted her through the process - Soojin and Naelea guiding her so she did it properly, Sua comforting the brunette who was trying her really best to not break down into fits of tears because her hand literally felt like it was on fire, and Jugyeong profusely apologizing whilst also assisting her as much as she could.

Iris didn't blame Jugyeong at all because she knew the whole thing had been an accident and unintentional. Iris just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and if she had realized sooner that Jugyeongs tube was going to slip and fall, she could have tried to somehow prevent it.

But it wasn't only the chemicals that had fallen on her that hurt. Well don't get her wrong, they did hurt, in fact they hurt her alot. But, somehow seeing Suho not even bat an eye at her or even pay attention to her is what hurt her more. She had expected him to at least care about her wellbeing, seeing that even Seojun of all people had seemed to be somewhat worried after the whole incident. But he didn't and it seemed out of character of him, and she wanted to know why.

Iris sighed as she tried getting rid of the thoughts currently running through her mind and took the paper towel that Jugyeong handed her, gently dabbing it on the spot on her right hand that was now starting to become red and blotched up. She had expected that to happen since that's what their teacher had said would.

Iris had assured all of her friends that she was okay now, but Sua who was still worried about Iris' wellbeing, especially with the state her right hand was in, "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked once again, wanting to make sure her best friend really was okay because if Iris said no, she was willing to stay with her the whole school day and miss her classes, just to ensure she was okay.

Iris however, gave her friend a weak smile, "Yes. Positive." she assured her. Though her hand still hurt, it wasn't as bad as before. Before it literally felt like her hand was on fire, and would not stop burning. Now, it burned just very slightly.

Naelea could tell her friend was giving them a fake smile, but nevertheless didn't push too much on the topic and instead prompted with asking, "Does it still hurt?"

At this Iris shrugged her shoulders, not able to keep up the little act anymore, and just simply tired of being in so much pain, "Just barely, which makes sense 'cause its a toxic substance."

At this Jugyeong had an apologetic look and turned to Iris once again, still feeling guilty for her stupid actions, "Again, I'm so sorry Iris. I don't know where my heads been today." she mumbled.

It hadn't been her intentions to drop the tube filled with the chemical substance on Iris' hands, she would never do that to anyone, especially to Iris who she considered to be one of her closest friends.

Her brothers words from earlier in the day had kept Jugyeong distracted and she couldn't help but be afraid of Lee Suho and whether he would expose her for her secret to the school or not. When Suho had happened to look their way, she just got startled and accidentally dropped the tube from her hands. Though Iris assured her it was okay, she still felt bad and as though she owed Iris something.

Iris gave her a dismissive smile, "Don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to."

Jugyeong nodded at the girls words but that feeling of guilt never left.

When Iris glanced at her phone to check the time, she realized their next class would be starting. Since her four friends had already pretty much missed all of Chemistry to help her and make sure she would be okay after the incident, she didn't want them to miss their other classes either, knowing that they were willing to do so if Iris asked. She didn't want their attendance record or grades slipping.

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