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AFTER THE EVENTS THAT TOOK place in the Chemistry Lab room with the weird tension between Jugyeong and Suho, things only got weirder from there, and not in a good way as Iris began facing the outcome of it. Just as they always did, Iris expected to walk with Suho the next morning as their school wasn't that far from their homes, but surprisingly Suho left earlier than usual and even told Iris to not wait up for him right before he was leaving so by the time Iris managed to make it downstairs after getting properly dressed to begin her breakfast, she saw the message and he was already gone.

So she ended up walking to school alone for the first time in six years.

She had assumed it had something to do with his school work or an assignment since Suho was a hard worker and the top of the class for a reason, and that things would be fine at school itself, but oh how wrong was she.

Not only did Suho blow her off during lunch, he was also more quieter during their breaks and seemed to be in constant thought. If not that, then he would just stare at Jugyeong who also seemed to be around Suho more than usual, helping him with the tiniest things as though they were old friends.

Iris didn't want to think the worst and assumed there was a reason behind Suhos new behavior and sudden friendship with Jugyeong, but as she thought about it, she couldn't really come up with anything, and as much as she hated to admit it, Seojuns words about her being replaced by Jugyeong kept playing in her head.

Eventually though, the day came to an end and Iris couldn't be any happier to get away from this now weird atmosphere. Before she could go home, she needed to make a quick stop by the hospital to get her prescriptions refilled from when she was sick a few days prior as she didn't want to end up sick again.

She took a bus to the place, which ended up taking longer than it should have, so by the time she arrived, it was already beginning to become dark. However, her parents knew about her whereabouts, so she wasn't exactly that worried about anything.

Upon entering the hospital, Iris greeted the nurse and handed her the empty bottles of medicine that needed to be refilled, to which she was asked her to sit and wait for a bit. Iris did the following and sat on the seats that were meant for people to go to when they needed to wait, and she decided to read through a magazine in the mean time.

Iris was immersed in her magazine and was probably sitting for about ten to fifteen minutes, when she got interrupted by a familiar voice, one that she had been trying to get away from practically all day.

"No way." Seojun chuckled as he stared at the figure before him analyzing the different magazines, amused by how much of a coincidence it had been to run into her today, "Iris?"

When Iris heard her name be called out she looked up in confusion, however that confusion almost suddenly got replaced with a frown when she saw it was none other than Han Seojun himself, staring at her with an amused smile.

"Seojun?" she asked with furrowed brows. Of all people she had to run into him today.

Seojun however didn't seem as annoyed as her by the situation and instead, entertained by the reactions of the girl before her, "Look, I get that I'm good looking and all, but following me here is getting a bit too much now, even for you." he teased rather arrogantly.

Iris however rolled her eyes as she set her magazine aside to now get a good look at him, "Oh please, you think I'd willingly follow you here? " she asked in disbelief, "You're probably the one that followed me like a weirdo."

Seojun however cocked a brow at the comment, "And why would I do that?"

Iris shrugged, "I don't know. You're just-" she trailed off before deadpanning, "You."

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