NINE; 'discussed over ping-pong?'

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                                                    {🍇} . . .

  after the whole oracle business, percy and grover were elected to carry it back up to the attic—where it should've been. daphne was just happy it was them, not her, because the oracle had been a mummy that was dead for, what? fifty-something years or so?  touching a mummy was quite unsanitary. oracle or not.

  mr. d called for a counselor meeting to discuss the prophecy. with castor and pollux gone for the winter, daphne was the representative for her cabin. thalia tapped her shoulder and asked for her to go fetch grover and percy. she guessed thalia wasn't on speaking terms with percy, but she didn't want to be the messenger between those two, not with all that anger radiating off the both of them.

  daphne could understand thalia's anger—she laid down a plan and percy went against it. that was understandable. but then again, it was just a game... and, they really didn't have a fair chance up against the hunters anyway. they won 55 times previously for a reason. 

  as she headed towards the attic, daphne overheard percy and grover's conversation ( guess she had a knack for that, didn't she? ) and stopped at the bottom of the stairs to listen.

"—what're you thinking?"

  she heard the nervous clopping of grover's hooves. "just something dr—the manticoresaid, about the great stirring, i mean. i can't help but wonder ...if all those ancient powers are waking up and all...maybe they're not all evil."

"you mean pan."

  there was a tense silence. daphne was kind of shocked how quick percy caught on what grover was saying. . .was trying to say. pan had been missing for two thousand years, a long time, right? but satyrs were restless, too restless even, to find the missing god, though he had been rumored to have died. to make a short story shorter...they'd been searching in vain for a while. and grover was so set on this idea of him being the one to find him so . . .

  his chances of finding pan were about as much as the campers did going against the hunters. ( see what she did there? )

  "i've let the trail go cold," grover continued raving, "i feel restless. like im missing something really important. he's out there, somewhere. i can feel it."

  daphne then suddenly remembered her purpose for being there, thalia and the others were probably waiting, so she hurried up the stairs. daphne tried not to look at percy and instead looked over to grover. not to be petty, but he did cost them the game. "thalia says to 'get your ass down here.'"

"why?" percy asked.

she barely glanced over to the boy. "what'd he say?" she said to grover.

"um. he asked why."

  "dionysus is calling a council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy. and that, um, includes percy." 

  that was so awkward, daphne thought, and she turned on her heel and headed back to the rec room.

  the council was held around the ping pong table in the rec room. dionysus waved his hand and supplied snacks; cheez whiz, crackers, and several bottles of red wine. chiron had to remind him of his restrictions and that many of the campers present were underage. he sighed, and with a snap of his fingers, the wine turned to diet coke. no one touched that either. 

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