Chapter 1

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Harry Potter sat quietly in his aunt's car, timidly looking down at the floor. His aunt had actually taken him grocery shopping, and he had done everything in his power to be good. He stayed quiet, he didn't touch anything, he was seen and not heard.

However, two older boys had knocked down a stack of soup cans, and his aunt was convinced that it was his fault. And so he sat quietly in the backseat as his aunt ranted and raged about how he was a freak, how he was nothing but trouble, and even such hurtful words as how she'd wished he died with his parents. But then, she said the eight words that would result in a change in his life...

"Just wait until Vernon hears about this!" Harry went pale. He couldn't deal with another beating! Last night's beating had been just awful! Panicking, the boy began to rapidly exhale through his nose... Then, he felt the freaky stuff kicking in, which only increased his fear. Then, in a flash of light and a scream of shock from Petunia, the pair vanished from the car, leaving it driving forward aimlessly for a few moments...just as Vernon was rounding the corner in his own car.

The two vehicles impacted each other, killing Vernon instantly and doing the world at large a huge favour.

As for Harry, he found himself falling. The floor around him seemed to crack and crumble away until he began falling. He believed that this was it, he was beyond terrified, knowing that this was undoubtedly the aftermath of his 'freaky stuff'. After falling what felt like for hours, he landed on some grass and rolled to a stop. Groaning, he picked himself up and pushed his glasses back onto his face, looking around as his eyes widened at his surroundings.

He certainly wasn't home, or anywhere he recognized... everything saw and felt... off. It didn't feel dangerous or scary, but it certainly felt weird more than anything. He was in a city park. It was nighttime, and there weren't very many people around currently. He felt nervous about the situation... Where had they ended up?!

"YOU!" He flinched at the sound of his aunt's voice. He yelped as he felt himself get picked up roughly. "You little FREAK. You take us RIGHT. BACK." Petunia snarled through gritted teeth. Whimpering, Harry squeezed his eyes shut and focused, trying as hard as he could to get them home... But no matter what he did, nothing happened. "NOW!" Petunia continued to yell. "TAKE US BACK!" Harry whimpered, trying to summon whatever had brought them there, but no matter what he did, nothing worked. Petunia seemed to be growing both desperate and agitated with each passing moment she was, well, wherever they were.

"Hey, lady, ya wanna quit yellin' out here? Some of us are tryin' to sleep." An annoyed male voice sounded out. Petunia whirled around to retort with a biting comment...only to scream. Standing before her was a man that looked exactly like a pig. Snout, ears, face, all of it was completely piglike. The man was not amused. "Whatcha screaming at?! You a racist or somethin'?" He demanded, prompting Petunia to scream and run away from the man, who scowled after her. "You with 'er?" The pig-man asked, looking down at Harry. Harry, having been told all his life to remain out of sight, said nothing. After a few moments, the pig-man began to walk away. "Whatever..."

The little boy whimpered and quickly followed after his aunt. He was finding it hard to keep up, with his injuries, malnourished frame, and the fact that his aunt wouldn't stop running.

Petunia seemed to be making a point to scream at pretty much any person she came across. To her, they were all abnormal in some way, whether due to animal parts, unusually large size, or even something as minor as pointy ears.

They were freaks! She was trapped in a town full of freaks! And...And it was all HIS fault...

Neither were sure how long this continued, but eventually Petunia (thankfully) ran out of air and could not keep screaming, and was forced to stop for a minute, allowing Harry to scamper to close the distance the best he could. She panted heavily, shaking from head to toe. Then, she slowly turned to glare at her nephew, who cowered under her withering gaze. "This is YOUR fault...ALL YOUR FAULT." She snarled. She scanned the area to make sure they were alone...

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