Chapter 1

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"CHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" A male with sage green hair yelled as he burst through the door to an angel core aesthetic looking bedroom as a pink haired male sat in front of his mirror doing his makeup. "Kevin it's six in the morning, why are you yelling?" The male asked not bother to look at the other male in the room.

"Well, no one else is here...." Kevin said as he sat down on the bed taking hold of a plushie sitting neatly on the bed next to the pillows. "Still doesn't explain why you're yelling." Chanhee said as he stood up from his chair and started to fix his outfit a bit. "The outfit looks nice today." Kevin said changing the topic almost smoothly but Chanhee wasn't going to say anything. "Thank you, let's go." Chanhee said as he grabbed his book bag and headed downstairs.

Chanhee quickly made some toast, grabbed his house keys and headed out the front door, the toast hanging from his mouth. "Your outfit doesn't look too bad." Chanhee finally said after a few minutes of walking to school in silence. "Thank you." Kevin simply said and they continued to walk in silence, the only thing that could be heard was their footsteps and the cars driving past.


"Chanhee please take these flowers as a token for being the most beautiful person." A girl with blonde hair up in two ponytails said in top speed as her arms outstretched with pretty pink flowers in her hands and her head faced downwards. Chanhee was surprised, not by the fact that the girl was giving him flowers but by the fact she can talk faster than the Flash can run. "Thank you." Chanhee sweetly said as he gently took the flowers from her hands.

The girl bowed before running away quickly. Chanhee carefully put the flowers into his locker before sighing. This wasn't the first time he has gotten flowers from girls or even boys. No, this has been happening since he first stepped foot on campus of DayDream High School. Chanhee was ungodly beautiful, angelic looking even and everyone swooned over him as soon as he entered the school's door.

He was only a freshman at the time yes, but to him it felt like he has been in high school for a long time with how popular he suddenly gotten with just his beautiful looks and smile.

Within the next few weeks of his freshman year, he was getting love letters, chocolates, flowers of all sorts, and even giant to small cute teddy bears. It was chaos for him but it died down after he wouldn't accept anyone's confession. To him, he only sees them as fans who only liked him because of his looks.

They don't know the real Chanhee, the one deep inside. They only know the Chanhee that looks like an angel sent from heaven who gives everyone a sweet smile and a tiny wave. The one who is hard working to achieve the things he wants. So with that, he took another sigh and headed to class.


"Chanhee, can you help me on this question?" A girl with long black hair asked as she fluttered her lashes rapidly. This was a reoccurring question, even if the work they had to do was easy, they will still come up to Chanhee and ask him for help. This was really just their way of trying to have some kind of conversation with the pretty looking male. Nevertheless, he still compiled and helped the not so clueless girl.

"Thank you Chanhee." The girl said with a slight blush on her cheeks as she bowed before walking over to her friends who started giggling and gossiping. Chanhee slightly shook his head with a sigh before refocusing on his work.

The bell rung and class was over.

Chanhee packed up his supplies back into his bag and threw the bag over his shoulder and turned to be face to face with the same girl he had helped earlier. "Uh....uh...." She stammered out looking over her shoulder at her friends who were nodding their heads as a sign of encouragement.

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