Chapter 3

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"Yes Kevin?" Chanhee asked as he looked over to the sage green haired male. "So....there's this party-" Kevin started getting cut off immediately. "No." Chanhee sternly said looking forward again and resumed getting his books out his locker. "What? Why?" Kevin whined leaning his body onto Chanhee's.

"Kev you know I hate parties." Chanhee remarked glancing to the older. "Come on! Just this once!" Kevin begged with big doe eyes and his hands clasped together. Chanhee sighed as he put his head down. He really had no choice but to say yes to his best friend.

As much as Chanhee hates parties, he simply can't say no to this one expression Kevin does whenever he asks for something he really wants. To Chanhee, he looks like a little kid asking their parents for candy with his big boba eyes that screams innocence. So with a defeated sigh he gave the older the answer he wants. "Fine, I'll go. But don't expect me to stay long." Chanhee said pointing a finger at Kevin.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one I'm dragging to the party. Jacob is going too."  Kevin said was a cheeky smile as he quickly hugged his best friend and ran off. "I feel bad for Jacob, he has to deal with that on a daily basis." Chanhee said to himself as he closed his locker and threw his bag over his shoulders, walking to his first class of the day. Of course the walk way was cleared by many as he walked down the hall, at this point he thinks that everyone believes that he is royalty.

With a sigh, he slid into his assign seat, pulling out the supplies he needs for this class. "Chani~" a high pitched voice chirped as a girl with beautiful brown hair walked over to Chanhee, swaying her hips a little too hard. 'She should really stop that...' Chanhee thought as he kept a blank face.

Han Mincha

The school's mean/popular girl. She's the team captain for the cheerleaders and on the school's council. But that's not really important. What's more important is that she has the hugest crush on Chanhee despite not actually knowing him and will do anything and everything it takes to stop anyone from getting near Chanhee.

Chanhee hates her the most.

"Yes Mincha." Chanhee ask already wishing this conversation was over. "So, there's this party going on this Sunday and I was wondering if you'll like to be my date to it?" Mincha asked as she sat herself on top of Chanhee's desk. Chanhee gave her a subtle disgust face before saying;

"Sorry, I'm going with Kevin." As he gave a fake sincere smile, titling his head to the side a bit. He wasn't sorry, he'll never give the girl a sincere apology ever. "But isn't he going with that Jacob dude? You wouldn't want to be third wheeling, would ya?" She asked as she leaned closer to Chanhee's face, bating her eyelashes. "If I'm safe away from you, then yeah." Chanhee said oh so fed up with this conversation.

Before Mincha can say anything else, the teacher came in and started the class. "Off Mr. Choi's desk Ms. Han. Ladies don't sit like that." The teacher said eyeing Mincha who rolled her eyes and hopped off Chanhee's desk, much to the latter's delight.


"I swear she gets on my nerves. Why can't she just open her eyes and see that I'm not into her and never will be." Chanhee rambled as he stuffed bits of cake into his mouth every few words. "I don't know Chan, have you told her directly that you didn't like her?" Younghoon asked as he took the plate of cake away from Chanhee so he won't continue stuffing his mouth. Chanhee placed his fork down with a nervous expression.

"Not exactly......but she should tell by the tone of my voice and expressions! You know the saying; 'actions speaks louder than words.'? Yeah, that applies here!" Chanhee rush-fully stutter out pointing his finger at Younghoon. "He has a point..." Kevin butted in as he took the plate of cake from Younghoon and started munching on it. Younghoon gave Kevin a glance before looking back at Chanhee and sigh. "Hee, if you want her off your back then you'll have to tell her how you feel." Younghoon said with a soft tone stretching his hand out for Chanhee's.

Chanhee took the older's hand with a sigh. "Fine~" he dragged out much to the older's delight. "Kev stop eating all the cake!" Jacob said coming out of nowhere. He sat down and slightly pushed Kevin out the way as he grabbed a fork and started shoving the cake down his throat, "why hello to you too Cobie." Kevin sarcastically said with a pout. Jacob held up his fork to Kevin's mouth, wanting to feed the younger. Kevin happily opened his mouth, engulfing the delicious dessert. "Hey Kebie~" Jacob said sweetly.

"Where's Haknyeon when I need him!" Chanhee groaned out as he threw his head back. "What am I? A roach?" Younghoon said throwing his hands up in defense. "Sorry Hoon..." Chanhee said with an apologetic smile. "It's alright, but to answer your question, he's with his 'secret' boyfriend on the roof." Younghoon said making air quotes around the word 'secret'. Chanhee just nodded his head as he understood and started letting his eyes wander around in cafeteria.

'I wonder what it feels like to fall in love....' Chanhee wondered as he rested his head in his hands mindlessly with a sigh. 'I wonder how it feels to have someone, feel their warmth against your skin. I wonder how it feels to smile real smiles with someone, forget time exists for the moment. I wonder if there is someone real enough to see past the fake smiles and laughter and fake kindness. To have someone to understand you..'

Chanhee was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the bell rung. "Hey Hee, it's time for our sixth period. Let's go, get up!" Kevin said ushering for the younger to get up and out of his seat. "Okay okay, I'm getting up Kev." Chanhee said with a giggle as he grabbed his stuff and started walking towards the doors of the cafeteria with the others.

'I really do wonder if someone out there can see and understand the real me..'


Wow, these chapters are coming out better than I thought they would!!! I'm loving it!!!

I don't have much to say as usual

So with that

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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