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IRIS HAD NEVER BEEN AS angry as she had been after the little incident with Seojun near the playground. She shouldn't have let his words get to her as much as they did, and she had a feeling she knew why they did. They had a truth to them because with how close Suho seemed to be getting with Jugyeong these days and becoming more distant with Iris, she felt insecure.

She had never felt this way truth be told, and it was probably because Suho never treated any other person, or even any other girl, the way her treated her. But ever since Jugyeong came, all of the started to change and at this point, Iris felt like she was the only one that was desperately hanging onto their years old friendship and she didn't know what to do anymore. Everything was just - falling apart.

Iris sighed as she rested her cheek on her palm, getting lost into those same depressive thoughts she had been so immersed in all of yesterday night and this morning.

Though Suho and her had walked to school today earlier in the morning, the air was kind of tensed and awkward as the two did not really have much to say anything to one another. Whilst Iris was still hung up on seeing Jugyeong and him together, Suho was hung up on seeing her and his former best friend together. So as you can see, it was kind of a mess if misunderstandings.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Naelea asked upon noticing the frown on her friends face. She had been that way all day and she wanted to know what was up.

Iris sighed as she sat up straight, giving her friend an assuring smile, "It's nothing, I'm just over thinking." she muttered picking at her food, not eating any of it as she had no apatite.

Naelea knew there was something bothering her friend, but she didn't want to push it because she knew once Iris was ready, she would tell her herself what was going on, so instead she put her hand on her arm in a comforting manner, "You know I'm always here for you, right?"

At this, Iris' face lit up, "Of course."

Naelea too smiled in return seeing how contagious her friends smile was, "Good. Now eat up!" she gestured to Iris' tray of food that had been untouched and Iris too nodded, now having mood lifted.

She got through her portion of rice and some meat, before she caught sight of Jugyeong looking around in search for someone. Iris was about to wave to her to indicate where they were sitting at, when Jugyeong suddenly turned towards Suho who was making his way towards the cafeteria line. The two stood situated in their spots staring at one another, before Jugyeong casted him a small smile, pointing towards her bandaged knee as she did so. Just like that, Iris felt her mood become sour again.

Seojun had seen the whole interaction unfold before him and the frown that formed on Iris' face was enough to make him approach Suho and say what he had been planning on saying since the day before. Meanwhile, Jugyeong approached her group of friends with a rather happy look.

She greeted each of them before sitting next to Iris, who didn't glance at her even once, and across from Sua. Her happy mood didn't go unnoticed by the group and this was one of the first times they had seen the girl so excited, especially during school.

"What's got you so giddy?" Sua asked as she looked at the girl in confusion.

"Well, you guys wont believe what happened yesterday." Jugyeong responded. However, before she could say anything, a loud noise was heard, and instead of the usual chit chat that went on in the noisy cafeteria, it was replaced with silence.

At this Iris looked up and saw Seojun making his way towards their table after having knocked over Suhos tray of food as all of the contents were on the floor now. Whilst Suho glared at Seojuns retreating figure, the latter seemed calmer. He was unbothered by the attention on them because upon approaching Iris' table, he causally seated himself onto the open seat next to her as though they were great friends.

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