The Basics

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Drinks were a terrible idea, and every passing moment at this godforsaken table only further cements that fact into Katsuki's frontal lobe.

Why does he even like these people?

"Don't be a party-pooper, Kacchan!" Denki grins from his perch between Ashido's tits overflowing her tube top and Izuku folded in half laughing, hanging onto the electric blonds shoulder like he's ever been funny in his fucking life.

"Call me that again and I'll fuck you hard in the mouth, ChargeDolt." 

Hanta brays so loud it manages to startle Hitoshi on the other side of him and one seat down, Todoroki looks like he's falling asleep. 

"Daddy, say less ~" 

"Motherfucker, you wish." He snarls back, sending Izuku into another fit of knowing laughter.

Once upon a time in highschool it was a topic of great interest and speculation that Katsuki wasn't interested in things like relationships.

He doesn't see what the big fuckin deal is — just because he had no desire to participate in the Dumbass Olympics back then doesn't mean he's a 26 year old virgin, damnit! 

Except he is.

"You shouldn't play hard to get when you're already hard to want," Mina winks, wrapping an arm around Denki's shoulder and making Kirishima have to lean around her to see Katsuki fuming at the head of the table.

"Hah?! Who's hard to want, have you met me?" 

Hitoshi, smooth motherfucker that he is, smirks like he knows the secret — like he'd rummaged around in Katsuki's brain and personally unearthed the truth; pulling it up by the roots.

"He doth protest too much, me thinks," the mindfucker is laughing into his beer and Katsuki hopes he drowns.

"Die already." 

He's pretty sure everyone at this table has hooked up with everyone else at this table except for maybe Todoroki, just because Katsuki can't imagine the mysterious motherfucker being sexual under any circumstances, but fuck it — he'll take the silent solidarity where he can. 

Jello shots are delicious but lethal — and stupid. 

He hates them.

Hanta downs a second lime green one for no good reason at all, "Do you even fap, my dude?" 

Of course this question sends the entire table into uproarious laughter, and Katsuki's never wanted to throw a shoe at someone so much. 

"Why are you all so goddamn invested in my dick?!" 

To his right, Izuku looks like he's choking, still holding onto Denki but the other blond isn't laughing — not even when Kirishima has to catch Mina to keep her from falling out of her seat.

Not when Hitoshi — on his left — caps the marker he used to draw a mustache on Todoroki; who is fucking snoring and leaning back into the corner with his arms crossed over his chest.

Endless wheat fields waving golden and sun-soaked in warm summer breezes that bend the stalks and make them dance. 

No, Denki isn't laughing at all, and that's new. 

It's a blessing when the party finally ends and everyone is pouring themselves into whatever beds they go to at the end of the night. 

Sleeping is another matter entirely — a temperamental thing that usually only comes to Katsuki hours after he's pulled the covers up and rolled over again, and again; until he's made enough revolutions to power a city block if only someone had thought to plug him into a battery.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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