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SAIKI WATCHED THE BLUE, haired girl and the H/C haired girl conversate like they didn't just have burning hatred towards each other. They still weren't close, but they did talk to each other at times.

Saiki didn't like that at all though because he knew Teruhashi would get upset and turn her back on Y/N once she found out that they did share a kiss with eachother.

The pink haired teen though that the love of his life was most likely going to ruin her life, and he really hated thoughts of him using his powers.

He knew he would do anything just to have Y/N, destroying the entire human race included. But he didn't like the fact that Y/N was the reason why he would have to do such an act.

The male slumped in down in his seat as he cracked some of his slender fingers.

He patiently waited for his crush to go back to him, but their talking was taking forever.

He started to get bad thoughts of Y/N leaving and abandoning him for Teruhashi, and he started to think if that was even possible. He thought he was the right one for Y/N. No, he knew he was the right one for her.

Just as the males thoughts began to consume him a little too much, he heard the sound of the tray being placed in front of him, causing all of his other thoughts to dissolve inside of his head.


"Hey Saiki."

After that short exchange the female picked up her orange and began peeling the skin off of it with a concentrated look forming on her features.

Saiki pouted as he scratched his forehead with a index finger. "Is that all? That's all you wanna say to me Y/N?"

"Huh-" she looked up from her food with knitted eyebrows, "What else is there to say?"

With the pout forming into a long frown, Saiki grew annoyed as he felt those other thoughts coming back. It felt like his woman liked Teruhashi more than him and they weren't even that close.

"Do you think I'm boring?" He blurted out, the frown still shown on his lips.

"What?" She tilted her head to the side, trying to sniff out any sign of insincere in that question.

When the female realized that Saiki was actually being serious she set he orange down. "Of course I don't think you're boring..! I'm just eating Saiki. That's all."

"Oh.. well that's good because.. I kind of-"

"Hey Y/N..!" A high pitched voice interrupted the twos conversation.

That voice was something the both of them knew all too well, but now it was for a different reason.

Y/N whirled herself around and waved at the blue haired teen with a large grin, "Hi! I'll see you later, okay?"

The only reply Y/N got from the beautiful woman was a smile and a nod before she turned around.

Saiki glared at Teruhashi from behind, then he turned back to the love of his life, "What was that? Why do you talk to her now?"

"Because the beef is cleared Saiki," she chuckled, handing over her coffee jelly to the boy, "You don't have to like her, I know she's a bit too much with you so you actually have a reason not to."

"Yeah, but.. I don't want you to like her either. Don't you remember the times we used to hate on her? What happened to those times Y/N?"

Although Saiki tried to make his words seems like a joke, he was being dead serious. He didn't like their new relationship with eachother at all.

"Well, those times are over with me Saiki. You can bitch about her to me all you want, though.. if that makes you feel better?"

Saiki was actually beginning to grow stressed by his one and only. "Alright..."

Teruhashi and Y/N walked in the hallways together before they both stopped at Teruhashis class, preparing to say their goodbyes until next time.

"I can't believe I actually thought you'd get with Saiki.. that's so weird of me."

Y/Ns heart sank and a shocked but quickly covered up smile made its way to her face, "Oh.. Y-Yeah! So.. weird, yeah."

"Yep! Well, I'll see you later!" Teruhashi shrugged, turning on her heel with a closed eye smile.

Y/N was so sunken in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize that the other teen was gone. She snapped out of her daze and waved even though the girl was already in her class.

"Why were you just waving to yourself?" A deep voice questioned from behind the girl, causing her to squeak out.

She looked over her shoulder and sighed in relief when she saw that it was only Nendo, "What the hell? Where do you come from?"

"I am hurt Y/N. We literally have lunch together."

Y/N pursed her lips awkwardly, "Oh, right.. sorry, I kinda forgot..?"

He strained his eyes at her before he walked away, making his way over to his own classroom and leaving the girl alone.

That only made Y/N even more upset by her actions. The girl needed to be alone with her thoughts and she knew that.

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