How we meant

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My mom uses to force me to go to this summer camp. She said I didn't get out much, that I spent too much of my time inside the house. Well outside wasn't my style; the bugs during summer, pollen and dirt were not something I wanted to be a part of. There was a huge argument of whether I go camping or not. of course, she won, I was fourteen and she was my mother. She finally saw that I needed to go outside after fourteen years.

I have to admit , it wasn't what I suspected, we spent more time inside than outside, especially on the rainy days. The only good thing about camp is that I get return home every single day at 5:00 pm. I didn't do most of the activities, only Art, and Craft since I've always love to draw.

But it wasn't long till I start noticing the boy that was in my group. The one that lays on the ground by the pool and stares at the perfect blue sky every day. One day after getting bored of reading I slide down and lay next to him staring at the sky.

"May I ask what you're looking at," I asked politely. In the corner of my eye, I saw him shift, but I still stared straight at the sky.

"Nothing... just thinking." He said with a low voice.

"May I ask off what you're thinking about," I asked. I saw him shift again and then a pair of light brown eyes with a touch of gold was looking down at me.

"why are you talking like that?"he asked

"Like what," I asked innocently. I know what he was talking about, but due to my great sense of humor that my mom tells me I have(but never use), I can't always control my sarcasm.

"Like.... so .....formal, or way back then." he said looking at the trees behind me( what the hell is he looking at).

"Blame it on my English teacher she force us to read Romeo and Juliet this year, and it got me saying things like shall, thine, and thy. I don't know why so don't ask." I said. A faint smile appears on the corner on his lips and he reaches his hands out to me.

I have to admit he's actually really cute. wait... no.. his Hot. He has a nice texture of caramel skin, that look so soft that you just wanted to reach and lick it. His dark hair cut short and frizzy, almost like my hair after I get out of the shower. And the way he stares into space makes him way more attractive than he already is. That terrified or discuss look that he get on his face every once in awhile when he stares, make you wonder the whole bus ride back home of what he might be thinking about.

"I'm Blake." He said to me. I reach out and took his hands in a shake. "I'm Cara, nice to meet you." He shook his head, smiled at me and went back to staring at the sky. I grab my book from behind me and lay next to him and read.

This was just the beginning of our friendship, this was just the start. The program for both of us was only 2 weeks, for other it was more, deepens. We exchange phone number even tho I know it might be the last time I'll be in this place because there is no way in hell I'm coming back here. So we said our good buys and went our separate ways, I took the bus and he gets pick up.


School had started, the first day of high school. I didn't even look for something special to wear, I just grab a body short and a short sleeve shirt. I got on the bus and took an empty seat next to the window, I was too busy reading my book to notice when someone took a seat next to me. Finally, I look up just to meet a pair of light brown eyes with a touch of gold looking at me, and my heart stop.

" You go to school here?"Blake asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Yeah!" I said with a big smile creeping on my face.

" I'm gonna have to follow you around cause you're the only person I know in the state of Massachusetts ." He said with a rusty voice. I Laugh and a much visible smile appear on his face.

"So... how was the rest of your summer?" he asks

"Not bad, I got to stay inside in the comfort of my bed sheets."

"Same! my mom finally gave in about me being more productive with my time."

" I think my mother and your mother would make a perfect couple." we both laugh and the conversation went on.Later that day I found out that he lives three house across the street from me.


Hi guys, this is a new story I'm working on. I'm a newbie so please support me and vote, and I will try to update as soon as I can. I promise you this is a story that you won't regret reading.

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