The mall......

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After Skyler parked the truck as far out into the parking lot, we gathered the iteams from Bed Bath and Beyond and shoved them into the back seat of the truck. I latched onto Skylers hand and headed for the entrence to the masive mall.

The doors slid open and once again the cold air created goose bumps on my pale skin. Nervously I began to nibble and chomp on the inner corners of my lips within my mouth. I noticed Skyler stareing at me. "What?" I nearly whispered like a child irritated. Skyler smiled, looked down and shook his head. I ignored my irritation of the unanswered question and began to look around as we walked slowly. I spotted Hot topic. Skyler relized I was looking at that particular store and nodged me to enter the store.

The walls were black and the store was dark but contained enough light to view what was to be bought. I walked around a bit as Skyler searched for a lip ring he might enjoy. I walked over to the jewlrey racks and stared upon the many choices. I thought for a minute then grabbed a silver necklace that had a shiny black bow attatched, a studded braclet, and some earings that were to die for. I turned to face the makeup rack. I hurried and grabbed black, lime green and hot pink nail polish. I desided not to grab any makeup thinking about the quality. I started to circle the store looking for random clothes. I picked up a solid black hoodie, and a black and white neff hat. I also pulled a pair of neon green converses off the shoe shelf. I headed for Skyler. He was telling the man which ones he had wanted out of the huge glass container concealing rings of many kinds. Skyler was handed all the jewlrey he disired to buy.

We walked over to the cash register and set everything down on the glass counter. The machine 'beep'ed every scan the man made.

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