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I'm so happy! Today is the last day of school for summer break!! Me and taehyung decided to go on vacation and stay in a beach house he owns. I thankfully managed to make my parents agree to
let me go with a "friend" even though I'm not going with no friend only my boyfriend that I really love!

Jimin asked me what I was going to do for summer I just said I was going to be out of town to visit my grandparents. The only reason I lied is because me and taehyung wanted to spend time alone only us no one else so I had to, sorry Jimin!

After a while of waiting for taehyung he finally arrived my parents weren't home so he went upstairs and helped me with my bags I had packed with some stuff I will need like clothes.

"C'mon Hoseok I placed all your belongings in the trunk of my car" tae said as he opened the door so I could go in

"Thank you taehyung" I thanked him

"Anything for my baby" tae said while placing one of his hand on my thigh while he had the other one on the steering wheel. He looked so hot.

When we arrived at the beach house we unpacked our stuff and we decided to go swimming

"Tae what should I wear? This one or this one?" I asked taehyung while pointing at two different swimming outfits

"Hmm. I think you would look way better with nothing on" he said walking towards me and placing his hands under my shirt and holding onto my hips

I was blushing a lot. What is we end up doing it?? I've never done it with anyone before?! What if I embarrassed myself!? What if. What if i-. Before I could think of anything else I felt taehyung's lips on mine

"Mhm..your lips taste like strawberrys.." taehyung said making me blush more red

"Thank you.."

Taehyung and me kept making out until he pushed me on the bed and started undressing me. While we were kissing I also undressed him.

"Wow. You look so beautiful hoseok.." tae said eyeing my whole body

"You also look a-amazing.." I said looking into his eyes

"Thank you" he said kissing me

"Hold on let me get you prepared" taehyung said while getting some lube

He put lube all over his fingers and inserted in without any warning

"Hmhm!" I Yelped

"Shhhh. It's okay you will feel better soon.but if it really does hurt don't hesitate to ask me to stop okay?" He tells me


He puts more lube on and starts stretching me

"Mmnm Aah..f-feels good!" I said while biting down on my hand

"I told you, you would." He said with a smirk. He pulls out his two fingers and gets a condom

"Why do you need that??" I ask him

"So you don't get pregnant?" He says sarcastically

"Pfft, I know silly! But since this is my first time I wanted to try without it..I mean.if that is fine with you?.." I ask shyly

"Omg Hoseok see what you do to me." Taehyung said with really dark red cheeks

"So yes?" I ask

"Hell yeah!" He replied

And again! Without a warning he entered me!

"Ahh! Mmnm! T-tae..go faster!" I asked him

"D-damn Hoseok for your first time you are taking it really well.." he said

After a while of doing it with Tae we both came about three? Or two time..then we showered and fell asleep!

(Idk how to write smut sorryyy💀)

The next day! I woke up and Tae wasn't there? Hmm I'll go check downstairs.

As I walk down the stairs I smell an amazing smell and I see Tae in the kitchen cooking

"Wow Tae you can cook??" I asked

"Yup! Of course I can. Slept well?, I was about to call you down to eat"

"Yeah I did..also I'm awake so now I can eat the food you made!" I replied with a smile

"Oh hoseok you are so cute! I'm so lucky" he said and gave me a quick peck.

Some months passed they are back to school from summer break

"I hate school." Jimin said looking annoyed

"Me too Jimin..but what do you expect. We have to be here.." I said to Jimin

"Anyway. How are things with you and taehyung???" He asked me suddenly not caring about school

"We are good! We love each other sooo much!" I replied with a huge smile on my face

"... Hoseok.. are you sure!?...then why is Taehyung kissing that woman?!.." Jimin said with a shocked expression on his face while pointing at something

"Huh?.." I turned to look at where Jimin was pointing and I saw it. Taehyung kissing that woman.. from the restaurant!? Suddenly I felt like throwing up so I ran towards the restroom and puked.

"Hoseok are you okay?!" Jimin said behind me and holding up my bangs from my forehead. "Hoseok you are burning up!, Come I'll take you to the doctor!" That was the last thing I heard before fainting.

As I woke up I saw Jimin..my best friend...

"H-hi Jimin..where am I?..." I asked still kinda dizzy

"I brought you to the hospital I got so scared hoseok! Don't ever scare me like that!" Jimin said with tears in his eyes

I giggled a bit. "Aww Jimin! Don't cry! It was just a little fever maybe." I said while brushing my fingers through his hair

"Well..I don't know the doctor wanted to speak with you..he didn't tell me anything because I'm not related to you..so I'll call him over and I'll exit the room for a bit"

"Thank you Jimin.."

After waiting a bit the doctor went into the room

"Jung Hoseok?" He said looking at me

"Yup..did you need to tell me something doctor??" I replied looking at the doctor

"Yes Hoseok..well.. you are 3 months pregnant. Congratulations! Would you like for me to contact the father of the baby??"

No. This can't be.



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