First Day

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I don't even know why I bothered getting up today, I mean I should've just skipped school like I had a million times before, but I guess the first day of school is just something you want to be there to see. Everyone changes so much over the summer, so I mean, I guess the first day is the most interesting.
So anyway, my name is Max. All you need to know about me is that I will kick your ass if you piss me off. We'll, now that that's out of they way, I guess it's about time you know what's happening right now. At the time, I am in language arts, my favorite class ever. I am a pretty good poet, a song writer, can write a pretty good story and we'll, the only problem is my teacher seems like a total buzzkill. But whatever, most of my teachers don't dislike me. I may be a bit of a trouble maker, but even the most strict teachers admire me for the way I'm not afraid to speak up.
So when he was calling out for attendance and called " Maximum" I quickly said " it's Max."
He stopped and looked at me. He was pretty old if I say so myself. "what?"
"I said it's Max. Not Maxine, not Maxi, not Matty, not Maximum. Just Max."
He was stunned. I'm not sure if he was mad, or confused. He went on with the attendance after a second of staring into blank space with a confused expression. I smiled to myself. This year will be a bundle of joy.
"Nick Martinez" the teacher called for the last name in attendance.
"Fang", a deep husky voice said. God it was sexy. Wait what? Please forget that I said that.
The teacher just started mumbling angrily and started the lesson.
Fang? Wth? Must be a vampire or something.
Next up was gym. I got ready to kick ass in dodge ball. First up, I got the schools slut out, Lissa Gorge. Aka my worst enemy. Next up Bridget, her sidekick and cousin. I laughed to myself as they glared at my through their bright green eyes. Lissa just kept twirling her fire red hair until she couldn't take the stupid game and went back into the locker room. I laughed so hard it was hard to focus on the game.
In a little while I was the last person on my team. I was up against two boys on the other team. One with strawberry blonde hair, and sparkly blue eyes, he looked pretty young, maybe a freshman, and the other dressed in all black, black hair, black eyes, Olive skin, oh did I mention his shoes were black?
I crouched down and rubbed my hands together. I was left with no balls so I had to catch what ever they threw, or just don't get hit. Catching sounded better.
The one with the blonde hair threw a ball, and I caught it easily. Ha. As he left he was scratching his head, kind of like he was disappointed.
That left me and mister goth. In a heartbeat he threw the ball so very fast that it hit my nose, and guess what?
Blood came out my nose.

(The Max in this story looks like my profile pic because in this story she is based off of me 💁)

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