Part 4

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Bonnie POV:

With my new found hope and a rush of determination blowing through me, I got up off the dusty floor I'd come to know grabbed the old raggedy bag I'd kept my few belongings in and headed off towards the mountains of trash. 

 You couldn't see anything but trash from where I had been most of my time here, but the staff throws out a lot and I've always considered myself an optimistic person and I was convinced something useful was out there. I finally ran past the one border I'd never left for fear of someone knowing where I has but by the time they got there I was gone. The only thing I'd really known about the basement ahead of time was that it was two separate room, one connected to the trash compactor and one leading to a staff room. The only problem is I don't know which one I'm in, but I decided to take a leap of faith believing I was in the one connected to the trash compactor because the lack of pizza products. I know that seems weird but the compactor is easily accessible from the kitchen and well they didn't want Chica getting hurt. She has a big heart but not the biggest brain.

   I hopped along the paths in between the piles of trash, until some broken staff bots caught my eye. One of them was a map bot holding a floor plan of the building. I ran over and ripped off the part for the basement, I saw vents plotted on the map I was beaming I would be able to get out through the vents. I almost thanked the broken bot but I realized the only sound I was making was an electrical buzzing noise. I had broke my voice box. Just another thing the maintenance team would have to fix when I got back.

  I looked down at the map till I found about where I thought I was I headed off towards the nearest vent, it said that the vent led to rockstar row which meant I would find others soon. I just stood there beaming with a feeling I thought I'd never feel again.

  After hours of searching I found it the vent, but I needed something to pry the cover off. I searched the garbage near the vent not wanting to lose it till I found a small shovel, " It'll work." I tried to say already forgetting but I didn't really notice. I crawled towards the vent prying off its rusted metal cover with the shovel until it popped off and landed with a thud.

  I crouched down and began crawling along the metal walls, with just the sound of me clanging against it. I decided to rest for a moment once I got to a turn, I pulled out the Freddy plushie talking to it knowing there was no real word coming out. All of a sudden my tiredness melted away as I heard several voices farther along in the vent, at first I tried to move towards it but I realized I was stuck. Hoping just the noise I was making would attract attention I began yelling but only static came out. I kept at for a few moments before I heard someone say.

"I'll have maintenance take a look at it tomorrow, for now go on to bed." My heart grew heavy it was Freddy's voice. I sat there for a few moments just wishing he notice he was just around the corner. I just wanted to see him. I began tugging at my fur that had gotten stuck in the metal screws but it wouldn't come loose. He was so close, yet so far...

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