You're my responsibility

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I'd never seen something this much terrible. I saw few bodies sealed in a plastic bag having cut and stitches. I didn't notice them earlier in my haste. But now it shook me down. I ran away. There's something wrong with this hospital too.
I went back and sat silent and waited for the sky to become dark. Luckily, no one saw me.
I was back in Poppy's cabin.
Poppy asked was it all okay. I didn't tell her anything.

When it was all dark, I went back to that room. It had become a morgue for me.
I went to the corner and saw all the ties untied. My soul almost left my body.
It made me all worried cause I knew he would definitely run back to his members and this time they will be back with a hundred.

I went back to Poppy with a lot of disappointment and we went to James cabin.
Even he became tensed. I went through the strangers phone, it had nothing but just a no. "Sir". I switched it off.
The only question was
"What to do now?"

"We need to leave this hospital. It's not safe anymore. " James quoted.
It was correct, but how?

Poppy will be discharged tomorrow but James!
I then said,
"Fine, but you'll join us James."

"Why would I? I was your responsibility only in the hospital. "

"You still are. And apart from that, whatever is happening you are also involved in it. It's somehow all linked. I won't allow you to leave."

He tightened his eyebrows and said,
"Why would I listen to you? I don't even know. How can I believe you? And I am not depended upon you and can manage myself better."
He tried to stand and slipped a little.
I pushed him back to the bed, looked straight into his eyes and scolded him

"You better not. I cannot leave you like this. My concern is bigger than your ego."
He stared me. Looked back straight into my eyes that made me uncomfortable. I had to pull myself back and we were done discussing.

Poppy nodded and we packed up. I filled all registration and transfer certificates. I booked a cab and we were back at my home. I helped James to adjust in my room. I gathered all my stuffs and took it to Poppy's room.
While I was doing so, James looked at me precisely and said

"Don't bother, I can rest at your couch."

I ignored it and asked
"What would you like to have for the dinner?"

"Aren't you listening?"

"I can bring something from outside also. I am not bothering it's just because my bike's still inside the hospital parking."

"Do whatever you want to. I'll not interrupt now."

"Ok then, fish and rice."

"Are you really taking advantage of my helplessness?"

"Ummmm, got it. You don't want that. Then tell me."
I could see his face burning but it changed to sad and helpless. I went near and said

"I am just taking it as my duty. Nothing in joke, not taking you as fun and entertaining myself. I am doing cause I've learnt to do this. "

He looked at me and asked
"Why are you like this? I am not used to such things?"

"What's strange in this? And by the way, what do you mean by 'this'?"

"Forget it, I just don't like getting favored."

"Okay then, I guess it's better to make it a deal. Then you, don't take it as a favour, return it when needed. Better now?"

He said nothing.
"Alright, now you can enjoy. Also, you like to watch me getting bothered and worried."

"Noooo, I never wanted to."
His words were loud enough to make me get his feelings.
I was unable to speak.

"Just go." He said.

I went to Poppy and asked her to change his dressing before I return. I took a cab and went back to the hospital.
When I reached, I could see those black members roaming outside the gate. I put my mask and casually walked to the parking.
Someone called me from my back

"Hey you, have you seen this guy?"

I turned back. It was a black member. I became sweaty, I said no and started my bike.
He again asked me in a heavy voice

"Did you know someone from cabin no. 213?"

It was James cabin indeed. I turned my head into no and said
"I was here for a casual checkup."

I turned my bike and ran in full speed. He did notice that suspicion.
I reached home and cooked food first.
Poppy came down to the kitchen and said

"His dressing is done."

I didn't make any eye contact. She asked me

"What is going on babe?"

"Nothing, I am a bit tensed."

"About whom? James"

I looked at her. I turned back to stir my dish.

"I am concerned bout you both. These few days were like  hell."

She hugged me from my back and calmed me down.

"Rose, it's a part of life. It could have been worse. Thank the God."

I didn't have any words for my feelings. I smiled and focused on the dinner.
I served it for Poppy and James and took his bowl to his room.
I slowly pushed the door. He was sleeping. I went beside his head and called his name. He didn't responded. I turned back when I heard he was murmuring, I put the bowl on the table and went near. I again called his name. He opened his eyes that were wet. He wiped it and tried to sit.
I helped him. I brought his bowl and sat on the bed. I tried to feed him.


Something's wrong. My ears are ringing. He just now apologized.

"I didn't want to hurt you but this is something beyond even my imagination. My sister only did all these for me."
I was listening him carefully.  So, he did apologize. For the first time, he appeared a nice and calm person.

"I was not always an arrogant and rude person."

"You're not. You just show it. And I didn't mind you saying that."
He stayed silent. When he finished it all, I asked him to stand and raom. I helped him to step down the stairs and we went out in the backyard.

I made him walk a bit and then rest at the bench. He looked deep in my eyes.


He smiled and said
"Are you okay with me?"

"Like for what?"

"Forget it. Am I burdening you?"

"Of course not. Whatever I am doing it's just what I should."

Then he told me something that I never expected
"I live alone. My sister has a boutique and she often has to travel out."

I wondered why is he telling me all these.
He continued
"I've never tried to listen to someone. I needed friends but never approached. It was all my habit of not believing people."

"Then why are you telling me all this?"

He smiled and said nothing. It was obvious he started believing me. We sat silent and enjoyed the peace.We went back to his room. Helped him all and went back to sleep.
Next morning, I made breakfast and brought it to James. I knocked the door when he said

"No need, it's your room."

I entered and saw him roaming on his own.
"Great progress."

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