chapter 15

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I made it my mission to avoid Jooheon but it was hard to do so.

Wherever I went he was there. Well not all the time but especially the library and the art room. I completely avoided the art room because I knew he would pop up.

However to my disappointment, I had to go to the art room because I really needed to complete my painting since the due date was around the corner.

As I was painting I heard someone cleared their throat. I turned around to see who it was and to my dismay to it was someone I didn't want to see at all.

"Jae, I come in peace."

"Well you can leave in peace, Haneul." I responded sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and approached me. He removed his backpack off his shoulder and placed it on the floor. I was not in the mood to speak to Haneul. As a matter of fact I didn't want to speak to him at all. After what happened and the way he treated me I never wanted to speak to him again. 

''Look I know your boyfriend shows up here all the time to see you but can we at least talk before he arrives?''

''And talk about what? Our hobbies? Favorite color?'' I asked sarcastically. 

''No, about normal things.'' He said

I couldn't say anything to make him leave. He insisted on us to talk. I felt cornered and had the inability to do anything.

Unfortunately, conversation brewed.


School was normal although another fight took place but that time it was between two girls. I didn't know what class they were in but they looked younger than me. Fortunately.

As I walked towards the school gate I saw Jooheon talk to another girl. I told myself to not get jealous. He was just my friend and nothing more. I shouldn't be jealous.

I continued to walk and as I was about to pass them I heard Jooheon call out to me.

I turned around only to see him wave at me. He gave the girl a side hug and approached me.

"Hey you, why were you avoiding me the whole day?" He asked.


"I wasn't avoiding you at all. I was just all over the place." I lied as if my life depended on it.

Luckily he believed it. I then told him that my mother wasn't going to be at home until the evening and if he was willing to come by my house. Without any hesitation he agreed to come by. He grabbed my hand and ran towards my house.

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