Chapter One

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Meghan | Saturday | 12:10 PM

I crossed my legs beneath the small roundtable before the booth and sipped my caramel frappe. My commendable perfume filled the perimeter of the small area near the window, a sweet aroma of Strawberries and Champagne by Victoria's Secret.

"Ma'am, can I get you anything else?" a Asian girl with a green apron and visor that read Starbucks asked with a cheery smile. I shook my head, and shot her a charming smile. She returned to her work station behind the counter, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I was growing more and more frustrated, people were never on time when I'm doing them a favor. I did not have to arrange a conference at all. I huffed, while rolling my eyes and flipping my hair in the process, over this entire meeting already.

I pulled out my phone, and started a game of Candy Crush Saga to keep my mind off of my client's unprofessional first impression. I complete four complete levels before I was interrupted by my client. I sighed, dropping my phone into my purse, wrapping my hands and waiting for him to take a seat.

"Hi, I'm Meghan Barnes, your new attorney." I smiled, I opened my black folder and pulled the pen out of the pocket, preparing to write. I offered my hand as the young male took a seat before me. His attire was disrespectful, he wore a snapback and dark sunshades inside.

"Wassup ma, I'm August Alsina." he took my hand in his, and shook it awkwardly. I turned my head to the right, looking down with a smirk.

"Look, I am your attorney I will not answer to 'ma' because I am not your mother." I said smartly. "Let's get that straight before we start."

"Yeah, my bad." he said, nodding in agreement.

"Okay, now would you like to order something like a beverage or a treat before we begin?" I offered.

"Nah, I'm good baby." he said, pulling out his phone.

I scratched my head. "I'm not your baby either."

"Well, my bad. I can't help it, you a beautiful female. I just have to." he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by his clear attempts to flatter me. I smiled, growing impatient and let out a deep sigh before returning to my open book. He dropped his phone back into his pocket, and sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, but can you remove the hat and sunglasses for me please?" I asked, it was completely bothering me every time I took a glance at him.

"Sure," he obliged. He quickly removed his sunshades revealing a perfect set of brown eyes, and his snapback exploiting tight black curls that shone in the sun, small speckles of brown bouncing from them.

"Thank you, a lot." I smiled. He nodded, returning the favor. "Okay let's begin. Mr. Alsina, can you give me small detail of your incident that you are appearing in the court of justice for?"

He looked up to the ceiling. "This crazy woman was driving and shit hit my car, and kept driving."

I wrote down that note, clearing my throat, irritated by his use of profanity. "Well, when did this incident occur?"

"It happened on April 23 of this year."

"Okay, so how did it happen?"

He lifted his hands from beneath the table and began to use them while he spoke. "I was pulling up to a stop light, it was yellow so me following the rules of the road, I slowed down and made an complete stop before it turned red. Then, here comes her little small, ugly ass car out of the opposite lane, and she rammed into the side of my car. Like she actually jammed her car in mine, fracturing my ribcage and my left arm in the process and backed out and pulled off down the street through a red light."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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