7 years ago

12 1 0

  Seven years ago I was a very odd 12 year old girl who had a crush on every boy in my grade. I loved them all but barely any of them thought I was good looking because I had a very punk/ tom boy style. I was extremely socially awkward and not good with expressing myself. I was an outcast but had a few close friends, who I still have to this day.

My home life sucked because I lived in a decrepitated, 3 bedroom, single wide trailer with my Mom, Stepdad, and 4 brothers. We had to find somewhere else to live because during a bad storm, the roof of the trailer was blown off and leaked over our stove. Either way, the whole place was shitty and too small for 7 people and 2 big dogs to live. I knew that we were really bad off and wouldn't be able to find something we could afford.

So when one day on a car ride, my Stepdad asked

"Who wants to go to an open house?"

Everyone in the van grunted but it seemed like a fun idea since we didn't have any other plans. We pulled up to a ranch style house, I don't remember how much it cost but it was obviously over our price range. We stood at the door, the whole big group of us and rang the door bell.

Like I had stated before, I was painfully awkward and shy so I really wasn't looking forward to meeting the real estate agent. Before I saw her, music came blasting out of the house. I immediately recognized the song as the band  Weezer's "Beverly Hills" It caught me by surprise and felt a little more at ease because of it. Then I saw the real estate agent, and in that moment my heart rose in my chest and I smiled from ear to ear.

I heard myself in my head say "Oh! Its my mother!" and all my anxiety vanished immediately.

She was a tall, dark haired, curvy woman and obviously NOT my mother.  she was blushing and looked anxiously over her shoulder at the source of the music which was an apple IPod home speaker that was sitting on the mantle of the living room. She opened the door wider to let us in and said

"I'm sorry! Normally, I don't listen to this type of music but its my son's and he is letting me use it."

It didn't bother any of us but she turned it off and put on a big smile and went straight to business. While she showed us the kitchen I remember staring at her and wondering why I would have thought that she was my mother when I first saw her.  I thought, maybe she's my mom from a past life.She seemed strangely familiar.

She was very personable. Her and my  mom somehow had gotten on the subject of them both having alcoholic ex husbands. I didn't like that my mom was indulging her personal life but I didn't care too much. The woman started talking about her family but all I caught was that she had two twins, a boy and a girl. 

We moved on to the first bedroom. It was a flowery girl's room and not my taste what so ever, but the lady looked at me and asked how old I was. I told her my age and she said that her oldest daughter was a year older than me. She said that she was really quiet and liked to read. I thought it was strange that she kept bringing up her family but I couldn't get over how much I liked her. I thought she was stunning and super sweet.

We walked into another bedroom that I don't remember too well, and then crossed the hall into the master bedroom. It had a large king sized bed and bay windows and an open attached bathroom. I don't know how it was brought up but she started speaking about her seventeen year old son who was away at military school.

"Is your son hot?" I let the words fly right out of my mouth without thinking.

She looked at me shocked and stuttered for a second or two.

"Yes, my son is attractive... I guess.. I mean.." and she took a deep breath and said "But he has a Girlfriend and besides he's too old for you!" She said this very matter-of fact but I didn't let me down any.

" Yeah, Well he'd love me more." I wasn't backing down and didn't even know what was going on in my head. It wasn't like me to say stuff like this

She really couldn't believe what I had just said and kind of threw her hands up in disbelief but calmed herself and said "I'd love to have you as a part of my family but he NEEDS to focus on him right now and he is young to think about kids and marriage!"

I hadn't mentioned kids or marriage but I was very content with her answer. I liked that she said that she would love to have me as a part of her family.

We left not long after, probably because of me.

when we got out to the door, my mom smacked me in the back of the head and said "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? We are suppose to be here to look at a HOUSE, not talk about her son!"

She was rightfully upset with me and I knew I shouldn't have said the things I did.  However, I stated to my mom "Well, I liked her and knew I'd like her son."

She groaned as we got in the van and my stepdad inhaled through his nose as  pulled out of the drive way. My brothers stayed quiet but I could tell I embarrassed them too.

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