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I steady my breathing as best I can as I run across the parking lot towards the police station refugee spot. I pray silently that there are still living people inside as I run behind a dumpster and pause silently as a walker trudges past with a groan. I bolt out and run to the door as it begins to rain. I get past all the gates and open the door shutting it quietly as I finally breathe in again.

It's quiet, way to quiet. I have my axe up and ready to swing as I look around. The ground is covered in bloody shoe prints and there are walker bodies dead on the floor. I walk around to the other end of the lobby and here a rasping wheeze. I look around and spot a man on a couch. He coughs and I run over.

"Hello, are you OK? Where is everyone?" I say in a hushed tone and he looks up at me and moves his hand from his stomach. A large gaping gash is bleeding and he looks up at me with pleading eyes.
"Find leon, he is here somewhere." He says then shuts his eyes and breaths heavily.

I nod to myself and pick up my axe again and scan the area. There are a lot of halls and door and a grand set of stairs. Let's start down here and then move up. I start with the door at the base of the left stairs and open it slowly. I hear no walker sounds and open it further. It's dark in here and the lights don't work, fuck.

I grab my flash light and scan the room. It is a bunch of desks and there are decorations that say welcome leon, wow. I push past them and move to the back of the room to another door where I hear grunting and a couple gunshots. I burst through the door and see a tale man silhouetted in the moonlight from the window standing over a shuttering walker corpse. He is poised with his gun pointed at me and I lower my axe slightly.

"Are you leon?" I ask as he lowers his gun.
"Yes, did you just get here?" He asks and I nod.

"The man in the lobby told me to find you, what happened here?" I ask and he sighs slightly and reached around me to shut the door.

"I'll explain when we're are in a safe spot, this is not one." He says softly and gestures for me to follow. I do and instead of going back through the room with desks we push forward through the hallway.

The windows are all boarded up and there are dead walkers on the floor randomly. He uses his flashlight as we continue and he leads me to an area with moving bookshelves, Giant ones.

"You don't have any batteries do you?"
"No, I used my last ones on my flashlight, I guess if you have another flashlights you can have my batteries." I say and he shakes his head silently.

"Guess we have to keep looking." He says and leads me through dark hallways and into a rather rank locker room. The room seems to double as storage for guns and things and he unlocks a locker and pulls out a hand gun and ammo. He turns around and holds them out for me.

"I can't use a gun well." Or I don't want to I think hooking my axe in the loop on my back. I grab the gun and ammo and he nods.
"I'll help." He says and I hear a gurgling sound come from the hall. Oh no. I reach for my axe and he gives me a look.

"Try the gun, you have to learn." He says and I just roll my eyes and grab my axe placing the gun on a bench. Ass.

I pull the axe up and ready to swing as we round the corner. Great, just great, two walkers are trudging towards us groaning with their mouths agape. Disgusting but tolerable, I have definitely seen worse.

I quickly dash foreward and swing downwards caving the first walkers skull in. It falls and leon shoots the second in its face three times before it falls.

"It seems my method was faster then yours officer." I say and he chuckles and grabs the gun off the bench.
"So, who are you?" He asks and I smirk.
"I AM BATMAN." I say in my deepest voice and he gives me a weird look before shaking his head slightly.

"How are you so calm after that?" He asks and I shrug.
"I'm used to being around dead people, though this is the first time they have tried to kill me, the gore is normal for me." I say and his gun rises slightly towards me and he gives me a suspicious look.

"Woah woah woah dude, I'm a mortician, fucking hell chill out for a sec." I say raising both my hands up in a surrendering motion. He chuckles and lowers the gun while shrugging away the tension in his shoulders.

"You seem a bit young for a mortician." He says and I narrow my gaze at him.
"You seem a bit skinny for a cop." I say and he stifles a laugh.
"Tuche." He says and opens another door to reveal the lobby, somehow we got back to the beginning.

"Does that mean you have medical practice? Could you help Marvin?" Leon asks leading me back to the man on the couch.
"Maybe, but unless you want him embalmed, probably not." I tsk quietly as I crouch beside the man.

Large gaping lacerations on his lower abdominal area that seem to have reached deep enough to expose raw internal organs but not a lot. Mostly shredded tissue and stomach lining, lovely.

"Well doc?" Marvin mutters through raspy breath.
"Not a doctor sir." I say as I take off my bag and sift through my things to find the medical stuff I stole after the end of the world, or at least the end of our town. I pop open the case and grab a pair of sterile gloves and a sterile packaged needle and thread along with a lot of other shiny tools and sharp things I minght need.

Dear lord let my expensive required medical classes and anatomy classes pay off. I take a deep breath and Marvin sighs and moves his hand to allow me better access.

"This is going to hurt, I apologize for the lack of any sort of numbing or anitethic. I have pain killers from my personal meds that I can share after though." I say and he closes his eyes and nods lightly. Leon however does not chill at all and hovers beside me like an anxious hooker waiting to be paid.

"Will you back up!?!" I exclaim after he leans down to watch, getting even closer to me. He immediately stands up Stark stiff and takes a step back.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly and I just nod and continue to put Marvin back together. Marvin whimpers as I stich his abdomen together and I cringe. God I hate this. This is why I am a mortician, the pain, the way they express it. The fact that if I mess up this man could die and it would be my fault, I can't handle it.

I wouldn't be able to do this every day. I stich, pull and tie the last one and finally breathe. I wipe the area clean and apply the last of my ointment with a little bit of reluctance on the many stitches. I pull off the bloody gloves and sigh rocking back onto my heels.

"Nice job." Leon says suddenly beside me again. I look over and Marvin opens his eyes and nods at me.
"One sec man." I say digging through my bag and producing one of my many prescription meds. Lucky for me it is the one for pain.

"You aren't alergic to oxyhyloglophin are you?" I ask and Marvin shakes his head so i pop off the lid and plop two out onto my hand. Learn appears beside Marvin with a coffee cup of water and gives me a small smile.

"Here." I way and Marvin pushes himself up slightly and shakes as he pops the pills into his mouth and then takes the cup from leon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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