LOST 1: Split

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Episode 1: Split

The first beginning episode...

It started on the town of objects that started in Oregon in America when Pocket name Lukas working as tailor dressmaker in his shop. Pocket enjoy his job and he is fine.
As the afternoon pass and the sun setting. He has his job task done and went of. He step down the table and walk with the keys. He went outside to close the store by pulling thr curtain and lock the glass door.
Pocket walks to the sidewalk to go to the bus stop. As he stood there waiting. The bus cover the screen and Pocket went in.

Pocket: "Meadow Town"

With a single word. The bus driver knows how to

When he went in. Its only Pocket and the bus driver. So Pocket sat on the seat and stare at outside. The bus is driving uphill to his rural areas. As the bus stop to his destination. Pocket step down while bus uncover the screen and Pocket is now standing infront of his house full of flowers.

Pocket dosent talk as he is alone. He walk to his backyard and takes a bike. As he took the bike, he went to his another spot to remind something. As he bike. There are no people on the Meadow Town but only himself. Like the town is no people but only he stays.

He bike to the spot we're he reminds of himself from the past. It is the bench lying near the edge of the sidewalk. He stare but dosent sit because he is unsure. He always check the bench every day.

Pocket stops and walks away to his home. while holding his bike. Pocket eyes feels something under presence. Suddenly Pocket felt a choke as if someone grabbing him behind and then fades to black screen as unknown thing happen but he hears he got abducted and heard sounds he nevet encounter before.

Pocket faints as he struggles but unable too.

The screen got black at the only image is a white bicycle lying on the sidewalk.

This is the part where the intro starts.

Days later as unable to wake up. They now woke up. Pocket left lying on the floor of grass. He stare at the sky that his surroundings is off. As his eyes open. Soda can told from the eyes

Sodacan: "Wake up!" *shakes violently*

Ramen: "You should do that Sodacan"

Soda: "Oh right sorry. "

Pocket: "What is this place???  *pocket say in a slow voice as he is confused and worried*
It is kinda off.."

as he stood up slowly. He can see 13 people grouped together. Half of them dosent know to talk because they are worried and some are just fine.

Pocket stood up and question all

Pocket: "Who are you all guys? My head dizzy.. "

Sodacan: "Same, who are you all?"

Most dosen't understand and some reply.

Ice Cup: "Can we.. roll call our names? "

Ramen: "Hey my name is Ramen, How are you doing? "

Flower Pot: "Hello, my name is Flower Pot. "

Sodacan:, Well my name is Soda Can"

Embroidery: "Well I used to call myself Embroidery because im nitted"

Cuppy: "My name is Cuppy! "

Uno: "Uno"

Maily: "Call me Maily instead. "

Lost Objects Struggle Into : Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now