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"You know, you should just talk to him just the high of you. Clear things up like everything before worst comes to worst. You should talk." Sunghoon mumbled eyes still on his laptop, i looked at him in disbelief

"How?! He is all over his work and niki, he didn't even looked at me for the passed time" I complained, but he just smirked at me.

"You are being paranoid about things. Sunoo used to do that act like he doesn't care about what i am doing but the truth is he just watching me from behind " he proudly said, smiling like he really remembered those times.

"I shouldn't say that. What i am telling is, you should stop that and just locked him on your room and f*ck" he said, his smile vanished when he realized waht he said and quickly changed the subject.

"You still love him don't you?" I said teasing him, he looked for me for a second before he continue what he is doing on his laptop.

"You still have your pictures together?" Heeseung hyung said looking at his laptop as he was standing behind him.

"Hmm... even his stolen photos i took" sunghoon hyung answered absentmindedly, but he closed his laptop as he realized that Heeseung hyung saw what he is doing.

"Why are you disturbing me? Aren't you have something to do" He said changing the topic as he stand up, Heeseung hyung and i laughed at what he did.

"Hey! Sunghoon hyung don't try hiding it. We know how whipped you are to sunoo" i teasingly said as he stops himself smiling that made Heeseung hyung and i laughed loudly, that niki and jay hyung ran to asked why.

"Wae? Wae? Why are you laughing?" Niki asked curiously looking at us.

"Don't you dare yang jungwon?!!" Sunghoon hyung said stopping me.

"Yah! Let him do his things as we do ours. You can go to your room We will not disturb you as you look at yours and sunoo's pictures" heeseung hyung said trying not to laugh as he exposed sunghoon hyung, niki and Jay-hyung was surprised at what he said that they didn't even laugh.

"Yay! Sunghoon-shii we are here to do our plans for our new album and you are just looking sunoo's pictures?" Jake hyung teased walking out from the room.

"Maybe he is getting some inspiration from those pictures" heeseung hyung concluded that made us laugh but not Jay-hyung and sunghoon hyung.

"Ahh!! I suddenly miss sun!! Where could he possibly be? I just wish he is eating properly as we all know he only eats properly when sunghoon hyung is around" i blurted and the happy vibes turns to sad one.

"Should we start giving flyers asking where he is?" Heeseung hyung said trying to lift up everyone.

"Why find someone who doesn't want to be with you? Giving flyers is just a waste of time and everyone know he left. He doesn't even deserve the effort." Jay-hyung said that surprised us because it's the first time he said something like that afer sunoo left.

We looked at him as he walked back to the dinning grabbing his laptop and cellphone before walking to our room, but minutes later he was holding his backpack.

"I'll just stay somewhere. Get some fresh air, it's kinda suffocating in here. I'll be back, i actually don't know. Don't worry I'll bring Manger-nim with me. " He said after kissing my forehead again.

Before I-we even say something and stop him, he is already gone with Manger-nim, and left us alone without any idea where he will stay and where he will go. Why is he being sensitive about sunoo ? Where he will go? Why did he act like that?


"Where will you go?" The manger asked the guy who is still pissed that what happened inside their house.

"I actually don't know, i just want to calm myself" he answered while looking at the view as they walked.

"You shouldn't acted like that" the manger said trying to calm him.

"I mean it's the first time you acted like that when sunoo brought up. You surprised them and maybe jungwon is thinking something he shouldn't " he said, making his every word clear to him.

"I know, I just can't help it, i mean sunghoon is mad at him, you didn't saw his eyes when jungwon saw the latter and anticipated that it was from him. He was beyond mad" The other explained.

"He was beyond mad that he was cursing sunoo to death. Like if he only knew... i don't know how will he know" the other added worriedly.

"I know where to take you but you have to make it up to jungwon. He might be thinking you're having a affair" the manger command as they continue to a place they knew they wouldn't be shut down.

" i don't know, Maybe i should let him think that way" the other blurted as he embrace himself.

"What do you mean let him think that way? You wouldn't think of talking to jungwon and clear things out?" Manger-nim asked him confused at what he is thinking

"How can i talk to him and explain what I'm into without telling him the truth? I can't even looked straight into his eyes while talking to him, I'm afraid that i will cry and tell him to help him get his best friend back into life" the other asked stopping himself to breakdown.

"Tell him the truth, Jay we both know we can't convince sunoo to do all of this not you, not me, not jungwon, not niki, not heeseung, not jake we need sunghoon but we also know it won't happened" The manger satetd and jay knows he was right.

"Exactly we need sunghoon but that stupid, stubborn, muscler penguin was way mad at sunoo that he don't even listen to any of us if we try telling him. And lastly Sunoo, he doesn't want any of them to be involve in there" jay complained feeling frustrated at the whole messed up situation.

They both signed as they continue walking to their destination without knowing that someone behind them listening and following them. Someone who wants answer and information everything that is going on.

"Where will they go at this hour" A courious human asked silently following the two guys in front.

"What are you hiding What do you know that everyone doesn't?" The person added.

Manager minsung and jay walked the way to their destination talking about what's going on not noticing that they are being followed. As they reach there destination. They didn't even bother ringing the door bell as they know who the person is inside.

They typed the password excitedly that they didn't even know they will be surprised that what they will see inside, as they walked through garden of the huge place. Jay felt like running to reached the place as he was feeling nervous about something.

"Sun? Sunoo? Where are you?" He shouted at he roamed around the huge house finding the person who owned that name.

"Jay, we both know where he is. Why to shout for his name" manger minsung said teasingly.

"Aren't you feeling anxious? Like there is something going on or going to happened something?" Jay asked as he keep looking at the other guy.

"What are you talking about?" Manger minsung asked as they both run into the room they knew they can find the person they are looking for.



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