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Honestly, somehow, it always seems that I'm dreaming
Of something I can never be....

In the midst of all the shit, Daron tried to keep his head down, and continued attending his shitty school.

Doesn't matter to me
'Cos I will always be the pimp that I see
In all of my fantasies

As Daron grew older, he started having dreams about sex again, and at seventeen, he finally made the mistake of admitting to his mom that those dreams have been becoming more frequent over time, especially after his sophomore year of high school when he suddenly realized that people were starting to notice how hot he looked and actually approached him on occasion.

At first, his mom says that's fine, she can deal with it, as long as he knows that she loves him and that she wants him to feel safe enough to be himself. And Daron nods along, maybe even kind of agreeing with her because sometimes he does still feel like he needs to pretend that he doesn't see people staring at him or getting made fun of. He's not quite ready to let that bullshit change him, though. But his mother's confidence quickly fades when she finds out that Daron is in his very own sex video, which someone anonymously taped and jokingly handed over to one of their mates. By now, everybody had heard about it, and were laughing at him, calling him names and making their opinions known. By the end of that conversation, she leaves  him alone in their tiny, shithole of a house, which they shared with Daron's father, who was out of town, while the speechless, yet heavily emotion-ridden woman strutted to the local 7-eleven, a couple minutes down the road.

I don't know your fuckin' name
So what, lets-

She was halfway there, while Daron sat on the couch for a while, overthinking his life, when he decided to go after his mother. He opened the mangled door with care, as it slowly creaked open, and slammed it, as if he had completely scrapped the idea of sliding the door carefully and cautiously, as not to draw attention, or even break the door, considering how mangled and beaten it was. He charged at full pace, both he, and his mother, oblivious of what was to come (and his father, of course, as he was out of town and was unaware of the situation entirely).
As Daron stepped outside, he notices that his clothes have been-

Screamin' to be the only way
That I can truly be free from my fucked up reality...

One of them was wearing his favorite shirt- the bright red and yellow sleeveless Jersey he had carelessly tossed on the floor then, for some reason, stuffed into his drawer hurriedly last night.
Last night- he could barely remember...

The boy prayed his mother was still browsing the aisles of 7-eleven, as he hadn't told her the full truth- the truth he didn't even know for himself at this point, it was all so cloudy. He wanted to chase them, he was pissed at them, but at the same time, he felt a strong sexual desire. It felt wrong. He just left it at that- and rushed home.

Daron was an extremely horny teenager, but also denied that these feelings were what he truly felt- it just didn't seem right. He switched on his twisted old television, and put a tape inside- one he had bought from the store- labeled 'violent pornography'. The guy at the store seemed quite sketchy- was this legal?
He didn't give a fuck and bought the sketchy tape from the sketchy guy, giving him a sketchy look as he left the store.
Seeing as neither of his parents were home, he mastrubated to the violently sexual and graphic images on his television screen, unaware of how this kind of shit can brainwash people just like that. He thought it normal- he had been abused before, having experienced sexual violence by some horrible girl he had dated around a year and a half ago, but had told nobody.

So I dream, and stroke it harder
'Cause it's so fun to see my face starin' back at me...

The boy heard somebody creep through the door, into the shithole of a house.....

I don't know your fuckin' name
So what, let's fuck...

He immediately switched of the crackling TV, which played the violent pornographic images over and over, as if it was stuck on repeat.

He rushed down the stairs, unaware that he was underdressed, and greeted whoever was at the door.
It wasn't his mother- it was a girl- the very same one who he found wearing his Jersey earlier this morning.
'Last night- d- do you remember me?', stuttered the girl.
'So what, lets fuck'

'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?', yelled the long haired boy.
The teenage girl burst into tears. How could he not remember me, of all people...

In the end, Daron got the girl's number, but was told to be careful, as her parents would likely answer.

All day, I dream about SEX
All day, I dream about fuckin'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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