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(rewritten because i felt like this wasnt canon enough to his personality)


You were just walking through an abandoned amusement park due to your love for them at a young age. Something about these places just encapsulated you at a young age and it still does to this day. Unfortunately you couldn't stay here for long due to alarms you set on your phone to remind yourself to get some groceries.

This park was called something like 'Castle of Nations' but you couldn't indirectly tell because the sign telling you about this place was all covered in moss, Creepy..

Walking through the main entrance, You noticed
oddities. The fountain was still running, Lamps still on but a few were just flickering. It seems who ever ran this place still kept the power on as a mistake and never fixed it I guess.

There were different sections of the park that surrounded you but you just decided to go to the 'Pirate Island' as it was the least dangerous one out of the others. The mountain ranger stuff had signs about asbestos surrounding the mountain in there. And the horror park? Everything is broken, Nothing is standing there.

Walking on the bridge to this island gave you a warm sense of nostalgia. You always loved pirates as a kid and still find interest in them, Not to mention the broken down alligators props just reminded you of the old statues at a children's park you used to go to as a young kid.

The first thing you saw was a bar.. Not exactly for the kiddens but who knows, Maybe there were tour guides that took children around the park and the bar was built for those old, Tired parents.

You walked inside the bar to see it still in good condition, But there is a ton of graffiti, Dust, Cobwebs basically just anything you can find in a untouched place like this

You walked behind the bartenders area to see if some of the pumps still produce alcohol, They do. The fact that theres alot still running here gave you the chills.. Who even pays for this place? Why haven't they noticed? God..

You quickly exited the bar due to the chills you were getting in there and went somewhere else

Park rides! Everyone loves park rides! Well, Most do.

There were your obvious mechanisms. Boat rides, Shooting mini-games where you shoot enemy pirates and plunderers. All your basic necessaries for a pirate themed park!

Walking up to the boat ride you look at its sculpture and its quite nice, Little details on it which was cool.

Staring at the boat ride, You thought about coming here with someone (or by yourself again because wattpad users dont have friends) they would give you nice company, Being alone is nice sure but, Being alone all the time just sucks.

You finally stopped staring at that stupid boat and turned around and you heard something. Someone playing a instrument.. Who could be doing that? You were curious to see who, Perhaps you can be friends with this person if lucky enough.

Blindly following the sounds of the instrument took you awhile. They were at the other end of the Pirate island but you didn't mind because this person was quite talented!

Finally after like 5 minutes. You see the person who is playing the music, You couldn't tell what instrument the person was playing due to it being dark outside and them being atop of alot of rubble up high, And the shadows covering this figure but you guessed it was a violin due to the way this person was holding it.

Things you can pick apart about this person that they were wearing a coat, Presumably has a pet bird because there is a bird sat next to them, Other things, They had a ponytail and wore a bandana just like a pirate..

You felt inspired to draw a few things, Like a violin and a crow, So you pulled out your bag as quietly as you can and digged through your bag to find your sketchbook and a pencil which you luckily find and sat down next to the rubble and started to draw

When drawing the violin first you were thinking of talking to this person, Or at least compliment their violin skills but you felt like that would just be weird.. Hell this person came here to be alone so whats the point of talking to them if they don't wanna be disturbed right? Conflicting messages went through your head but you decoded to not talk to them and leave them alone just to be kind about the other person wanting to be alone, Who knows maybe they know your already here and find you weird already.

The violin was a quick drawing because well, You don't know how to draw one exactly cause you don't play the violin, But your cousin does and has played it infront of you a few times so that gave you a clear picture on how one looks like!

The crow drawing, You put more effort into because birds are like, Everywhere in your town.

Shading the feathers was calming along with the violin music, But you could here this person mess up and obviously get pissed and complain. And that person liked to complain alot even when they didn't mess up.

That did set off a red flag in your head but you ignored it because people just get easily pissed off nowadays

You were done with those two main drawings but you did some doodles on stuff you saw in the park

When you were finally done you noticed a particular crow infront of you. It was fully shaded black with red eyes. You both just stared at eachother before the crow gave its attention to the drawing you had in your hands. You blink once at it, And in that quick second the crow stole your drawing.

You were gonna call it out for your OWN drawing back, But your alarm went off. You didn't bother getting it back and just walked off


Arma flew up to Karl and poked him with her beak with the drawing in her mouth

"Arma? Whats that in your mouth?" Karl asked, He also tilted his head like a curious puppy. Still keeping his signature grin on

Arma flew up and dropped the paper in his hands, Karl placed his violin down to see the paper

"Hmm.. There was a human here , No?" Arma just stared blankly at Karl

"Of course.. Im sorry for getting distracted Arma, But how else am I supposed to praise the act of playing the violin?" Karl took another look at the drawing

He took a good minute just looking at it, Mostly at the violin and crow because he didn't care about the small doodles you made.

Karl sighs and looks at Arma

"As much as the humans are the bane of my existence, I can't help but appreciate some parts of their culture.. Such at mathematics and music, And.. Art." Karl froze for a second before taking out another drawing out of his coat

One of him and Rachel.

Karl just stared at the drawing Rachel gifted him a long time ago. He silently mumbled
"I can't just keep going at this, can I..?"


(if your wondering where my other chapters are at, I privated them because they made me feel weird and im not proud of any of them)

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