chapter 1 - excitement

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Y/N has been infatuated with Jamie Tartt since the moment they laid eyes on him. His alluring personality and passion for football drew her to him as a mother is drawn to a flame. One thing they never expected was that he'd feel the same.

Y/N had always been a fan of AFC Richmond; watching them play on TV with their whole family every week was their favourite pastime. Being able to get within 2 metres of anyone from AFC Richmond, let alone interview them, was a lifelong dream.

Y/N adored every player at AFC Richmond; Roy Kent had always been their favourite. He was strong, tough, extremely talented, and a little stubborn—a trait which they shared.

Ever since Roy Kent retired and became a coach, Y/N has been drawn to Jamie Tartt. Their family had always teased them about how whenever he'd take his shirt off after winning a match, they'd cover their face, hoping to hide the blush staining their cheeks.


Being a new reporter for a football website,, Y/N was understandably nervous for their first day interviewing their favourite people ever.

They woke up with butterflies in their stomach, excited yet extremely nervous for the day ahead. Checking their calendar, it read "AFC Richmond!!!" with many hearts scribbled around.

A wide grin was plastered over their face the whole morning. After getting ready in their best outfit, doing their hair perfectly, and double (and triple) checking they had their notepad full of questions, they were ready.

Y/N headed out the door, with a spring in their step, beaming.

The plan was to watch the first half of the game, then leave to set up with the rest of the reporters. Crowds funnelled in, filling the seats and the air with cheers and chants.

The players from both teams entered the pitch, and Y/N's heart began pounding. Jamie Tartt entered the pitch, listening to the cheers of his name from hundreds of fans and putting his arms in the air. He looked around the stands, grinning and winking at his fans.

Jamie looked over to the side of the stands where Y/N sat, packed in with everyone else in the lower section. His expression changed from a confident smirk into a slightly shocked one. His eyebrows raised as they made eye contact. They looked around, confused about whether Jamie was looking for someone, or if something was going on behind them.

By the time they looked back, Jamie had moved back to the centre of the pitch, getting ready to begin the game.

Did that just happen? Did it mean anything? hundreds of thoughts ran through Y/N's head.


The match ended as quickly as it began. Y/N's eyes were drawn to Jamie like a magnet, following him everywhere he ran.

Their plan was to leave halfway through the match, leaving them enough time to set up the cameras, microphones, and equipment. Being from such a small company, they had to do all the setting up by themselves. None of the other reporters from fancy newspapers, like Trent Crimm, even attended the game.

It felt like the game was in slow motion as it was 2-2, minutes before the end.

"A bold pass to Tartt from Rojas," one of the commentators mentioned.

Jamie swiftly kicked the ball straight into the goal, and roars erupted from all sides.
The match was over, and Richmond had won.

Fans were ecstatic, cheering and chanting for their star player.

Jamie Tartt took off his shirt, as usual, after making a winning kick.

The sun glistened on the sweat resting on his face. He looked magical.

Y/N was in a trance, looking at this angel-like figure, not realising she was late.

Jamie finally looked over to the cheapest section of the seats, where Y/N was sitting, and he caught her eye once more.

Y/N was frantically packing up their bags, but managed to look up and directly into his gaze.

As they got up to leave, Jamie's face seemed to drop slightly. His eyebrows came together in a subtle but noticeable confused, disappointed look. It was as if they had a connection, even though they'd never spoken, as if he wanted them to stay.

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