A Night Out in Fishnets

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Dinah Lance, a.k.a. Black Canary, was tending to the bar where she'd worked. While she was cleaning off the counter, she heard the door open. She looked up and saw that a woman had stepped into the bar. It was her fellow Justice League associate, magician Zatanna Zatara.

"Hey, Zatanna," said Dinah. "What brings you here?"

"I thought I come by to see how my friend is holding up," said Zatanna.

"I'm doing fine. So far, you're the only one who's walked in here tonight."

"Guess that makes me lucky then."

The girls giggled.

"Can I get you anything?" Dinah asked.

"A glass of scotch, if you don't mind?" Zatanna said as she made her way to a table.

"One glass of scotch coming right up." Dinah opened a bottle of scotch and poured some into a small glass. "Maybe I'll make myself one too." She made herself a glass of scotch, grabbed both glasses, and made her way to Zatanna's table. "Here you go," she said as she handed Zatanna her glass.

"Thanks," said Zatanna.

They raised their glasses, said, "Cheers!" and drank their scotch.

"This is good," said Zatanna.

"Thanks," said Dinah. "So how's life been treating you?"

"It's been good. My performances have been getting better each time. How about yourself?"

"Same old. Keeping up my strength. Dealing with guys who try to hit on me."

"That's good."

The girls spent the rest of the night talking about their personal going ons and experiences being with the Justice League.

"You know," said Dinah, "I've always wondered if we would ever have the chance to take part in a mission together."

"Really?" said Zatanna. "Why's that?"

"Well, you probably haven't noticed yet, but we're the only women in the Justice League who wear fishnet stockings."

Zatanna was surprised. "Wow. You're right. We are the only ones, aren't we?"

"Yep. And you know what else? I think that really speaks something about us."

"That we both like to look tough and sexy?"

"Yep, that's exactly it."

The girls laughed. They didn't speak much afterwards but continued staring into each other's eyes.

"You know," said Dinah, "you look really lovely."

"Thanks," said Zatanna. "So do you."

"Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?"

"I may have a feeling."

"Good, because I don't plan on holding back."

"Neither do I."

With that being said, the girls leaned across the table and their lips met. They held onto the kiss for a short moment, and then they stopped.

"Is this the first time you've ever kissed another woman?" Dinah asked Zatanna.

"Yeah," the latter responded. "It felt nice."

"You wanna continue?"


The girls stood up and continued kissing each other gently.

"Your lips are really soft," said Zatanna.

"So are yours," said Dinah. "Say, how about crashing at my place for the night?"

"But what about the bar?"

"No one else is coming, so I'll close up early."

After she'd closed the establishment, Dinah brought Zatanna to her apartment.

"This is a nice place you have here," said Zatanna.

"Thanks," said Dinah. "Feel free to make yourself at home."

Zatanna sat on Dinah's couch. She took off her top hat and placed it on the table.

"Say," said Zatanna, "don't you have a thing for Green Arrow?"

"Yeah," said Dinah as she made her way to the couch. "I'll end up telling him eventually. Aren't you close to Batman?"

"In a way, yeah. But you know him. Right now, my focus is entirely on you, Dinah."

"Glad to hear it, Zee." Dinah leaned towards Zatanna, and the latter instinctively laid down on the couch. "Mind if I be on top?"

"By all means."

The girls continued making out. Their kisses grew more intense.

Dinah lowered a hand to Zatanna's crouch and stared rubbing it. The latter moaned at the feel of the former's hand rubbing her; she was compelled to do the same thing.

The girls moaned deeply as they rubbed each other's crouches. Dinah moved her hand to Zatanna's lips, who started sucking on a finger. The latter did the same thing, and the former started sucking on her finger.

"How are you liking this so far?" asked Dinah.

"I'm enjoying it," said Zatanna.

"Well then, shall we move on to the bedroom?"

"By all means."

Dinah stood up, held out her hand, and Zatanna grabbed it. She pulled her up and continued holding her hand as she led her to the bedroom.

The girls entered the bedroom.

"I'm gonna make myself comfortable," said Dinah.

"Same here," said Zatanna.

The girls took off their clothes. Dinah with her jacket, bodysuit, boots, and collar; and Zatanna with her jacket, magician outfit, shoes, and bowtie. They stood staring at each other in their fishnet stockings.

"I must say," said Zatanna, "we look sexier than ever before."

"I agree," said Dinah.

The girls held each other a moment.

"I'm really glad we're like this."

"Me too. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my partner."

Dinah smiled and gently kissed Zatanna.


The next morning, the girls slept together in bed.

Dinah woke up to see the face of her beloved Zatanna sleeping. "Wake up," she whispered.

Zatanna opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning."

"You too."

The girls kissed. Afterwards, they took a shower and put their clothes on.

"Thanks for inviting me up," said Zatanna. "I had a great time."

"No problem," said Dinah. "Feel free to drop by anytime if you want to spend more time together."

"I'll gladly take you up on that offer."

The girls knew they had things to do, but for one last time before they headed out, they held each other and kissed for as long as they could.

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