Ohh my goodness was it..!!!....
Again I was unable to sleep that night too.Waking up with the first ray of sun striking my face..At that time we lived on a cottages house at gisbourne,New Zealand.
I worked as a part time advisor in the suicide helpline center, I was a student at MIP University of NZ....So as everyday,I freshened up and marched towards my university, it was then when I received my first call on the helpline phone.To my surprise it was Mr.Charles, who said just few words "Jessica was killed,I know only you can do it,give her soul justice"and .........silence fell and I was stuck in the moment,I didn't know what to do....but knew what my inner sense said......
As a student of law/crime, it was born hobby to find the truth.That day at university,I stayed distracted...Same question kept me troubling..."Was Jessica was killed really killed?? "..