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Top: Fukuzawa
Bottom: mori

Kinks: Degration , Master kink or wtv

3rd person

Fukuzawa slightly cursed at the paperwork sitting infront of him. The paper was another document about a recent issue regarding the ADA and the Port Mafia. The clock struck 11:00pm, and the document had to be brung down to the police station at 12am.

"Oh dear, is something bothering you zawa?"

Mori smirked, shutting the door behind him. Fukuzawa didn't bother to look up.

"Not now mori, im busy."

Mori frowned considering the reason he was there was because he missed Fukuzawa. That, and him being extremely horny- but we'll leave that part out.

"Awww cmon fuku.. didn't you miss me?"

He teased, wrapping his hands around the tallers neck. Fukuzawa simply ignored him and continued his work. Mori let go and crossed his arms, thinking of a way to get his rival to show him attention. Suddenly, he had an idea.

Mori moved to the side of the chair and lifted the others hands up.

"Mori I'm serious, I don't have time-"

Fukuzawa stopped as he watched mori sit down on his lap, legs on each side. He wrapped his arms around him once more and pulled him close.

Mori and Fukuzawa weren't dating, nor married, however the two always seemed to have feelings for eachother. Anytime mori was ever horny tho, he'd find himself wishing he was with Fukuzawa, this time, he was.

"Wow Fukuzawa.. I thought you might have tried to stop me."

He teased as the taller male frowned at him. Fukuzawa sighed before grabbed mori's head and laying it on his shoulder.

"Do what you want but I need to see the document at least."

Mori rolled his eyes. If he wasn't going to give him the attention he wants then he's gonna suffer. Mori thought, adjusting himself to be on the olders dick, earning a slight groan from Fukuzawa.

"Something wrong?"

Mori asked, slightly grinding against him. He looked down at Fukuzawas crotch, noticing the growing buldge.

'Holy shit that looks big..'

He gulped at the thought. Is he making a big mistake..?

Fukuzawa put his arm around moris waist tightly, making sure to keep writing with the other. He leaned down to moris ear, whispering to the younger male.

"You'll stop grinding if you know what's good for you."

Despite the warning, Mori wasn't done with his teasing. He slid one of his hand down his own pants and began fingering himself right infront of Fukuzawa. He moaned in his ear as he added a third finger.

"Mori.. what are you.."

Fukuzawa tried to focus on his work however moris moans made his pants tighten and his face heat up. He couldn't focus, not like this. He looked up at the clock. 11:32.

"Looks like I'm Multitasking."

He said before push mori down to the floor infront of him.

"Hey what are you-"

Mori was cut off by a 10 inch dick being shoved down his throat. The younger choked as Fukuzawa gripped his hair and pushed him further down.

"Since you want to act like a slut, you'll be treated like one too."

Fukuzawa smirked watching mori struggle. Fukuzawa bit his lip, holding back his moans. Who would have thought the PM boss was so good with his mouth.

Fukuzawa continued to write while face fucking mori until he reached his climax. He pulled out and released onto moris face,

"Such a whore you are."

Fukuzawa lifted mori off the floor and onto the side of the desk. He slowly took of moris pants and his boxers.

"w-wait Fukuzawa I don't think it will-"

Fukuzawa grabbed the younger by his neck and forced him back down on the table.

"You don't get to tease me and then try and tell me what to do."

Fukuzawa looked at mori one last time for permission before slamming into him repeatedly.


Mori screamed loudly as the taller pounded into him. His breath hitched as he moaned.

"F-fuck m-master please harder.."

He moaned. Fukuzawa smirked at the nickname. He was so gonna use it against him later. He repeatedly thrusted deep into the black haired male as the knot in his stomach grew.

"f-fuck please I-I'm gonna cum.."

Fukuzawa placed his thumb over moris tip.

"Shut up."

He demanded, as he finished his paperwork. He continued to thrust into mori while he put the document in a envelope. He looked at the clock,


He pulled out of mori and fixed his own pants. Mori whined from the loss of filling and from the denied orgasm. Fukuzawa grabbed a rope and a vibrator out of his desk.

Mori sat up and was about to go off when his hands were grabbed by the older. Fukuzawa tied moris hands and legs to the desk before slowly pushing the vibrator in. He took out a cock ring from the same drawer and placed it around mori.

"I have to go take this down stairs to the police station. Stay here and be good."

Mori wanted to argue but couldn't, because he had his mouth tied with rope.

After about 5 minutes he felt a click. The vibrator was on.

Moris knees weakend with pleasure and his eyes rolled back.

Fukuzawa smirked at the police station as he upped the vibrator 5 levels more. Moris eyes widened as his body gave in. His eyes cloudy with pleasure.

He felt the knot in his stomach grow as he slowly reached his climax, but sadly. He couldn't cum because of the ring. He cursed to himself. He wished Fukuzawa would come back. Which happened around 10 minutes later.

"Alright then. Let's finish this yes?"


After that:

"Oh master~! harder pleaseee~!!"

Dazai teased mori as he "walked" out of Fukuzawas office.

"Oh shut up!!" Mori yelled embarrassed.

"You know boss.. I had no idea you were a bottom."

Chuuya said smirking.

"Yeah yeah but I didn't know you were one too.. yk maybe you should have Elise teach you to use make up. The bite marks from dazai on your neck are showing."

Mori smirked as he walked out of the ADA office leaving a speechless chuuya and a bunch of giggling fan girls that work there.

Sorry it's short! If y'all want another one of a diff ship I'll try to make it!

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