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Pov: Author

It's another beautiful night in the Ivy Village, stars glowing bright. A little cookie watching the stars at night.
Then someone threw a pebble at the back of her hair.

"Hey?! What is wrong with you? Stop being a bully!"

"Ha! We have a right to throw you pebble. You're a poison! A curse! Hahahahhah."

It's the bully gang in the village, they have been bullying you since of your hair and the way you have killed your own parents because of it.

"Look, don't make me kill you-"

"Hahahahhahahh, the who will took the blame? Is it our dead bodies? Hahahhahah!"


Then, the bullies left running. Are they afraid of you now? Huh?

Pov: The little cookie

"Huh? Wait no way..."

"Well hello dear young cookie, looks like they don't treat you equally; isn't it?"

I looked back, a lady with braided pigtails,
Wearing a crimson dress with pomegranate crystals.

"Come with me, my child. I'll show you that you are powerful and beautiful that they don't deserve you. Join us..."

She offered my hand and she smiled at me.

They say don't trust strangers... but they are kind-hearted, what could go... wrong?

I held her hand and smiled back, she told me to close my eyes, which I did.

Later, once I opened my eyes again. I am no longer in my village. I'm in a castle, huge castle. I looked around in amazement.

"Oh, I almost forgot... what's your name? I'm Pomegranate cookie by the way." She questioned.

I answered her "I'm Poision Ivy Cookie, they call me a curse cookie... but it's okay."

"Oh my, how would they call you that... poor young cookie. For now, you'll be in my care.
I'll train you to be one if us.

In that way, no one will hurt you. Do you understand my child?"

"Yep, I'm ready!"

Pov: Author

Years passed, Poison Ivy cookie learned to do dark magic with Pomegranate and Licorice cookie. She was told to keep the star mark, which passed to her by Dark Enchantress cookie. In that case, she, Posion Ivy Cookie, can absorb the first child of Y/N cookie and Stardust cookie. Once that mission is finished, Dark Enchantress will gain back her powers.

Unknowning of this, the Stars and the parents of this target cookie have to be careful. Or the destruction and chaos will be out if control...

... from earthbread itself to the galaxy above.♤☆


Welp, angst

If you know my old story... don't mind it.
Poison Ivy cookie is different from that story to this.

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