Chapter 11

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After a few painful hours going over the formalities of my coronation to which I agreed would take place in eleven days from now, I left the council meeting. I left the details in the hands of Nuri who would no doubt ensure the event be lavish and completely over the top. I ignored the shared glances of concern from the council men through out the meeting. One particular thorn in my ass is the one I now know is called Arthur. Callahan filled me in on the backgrounds of all the council men. Arthur had seen and fought through many battles through history and it seemed as though my father valued his opinion the most. I wondered what Arthur and the rest of my peoples would say if they knew I was heart bonded to a royal dark fae. Would they rebel and have me removed from the throne? Even if they could would they? When they rely on my magic to keep them all safe.

"I'm coming with you"

"What?" I paused.

"You're planning on meeting him today are to you. You're not going alone. I'm coming with you." Callahan insisted.

I recoiled at the thought of having to deal with the likely tension between them Callahan and Azra.


"Aurora, you're the Queen. If you think I'm just going to—"

"Yes I am the Queen. And I said no."

Callahan blinked, his face a mixture between fury and wanting to obey orders.

"I need to learn and learn fast. I need to focus. I won't be able to concentrate on anything if you too are having a pissing match the whole time" I signed understanding his need to keep me safe.
"I won't go alone. I'll take Ivan and Andrias."

"I don't like this." He shook his head running a hand over his face, washing away all trace of anger.

"Neither do I. I have no choice." My voice quivered.

"If anything goes wrong...if he tries anything."

"He won't." I cut him off. "Because if he does I'll just unleash this unstable magic of mine." I forced a smile, a lame attempt to reassure him.

"You'll take Ivan and Andrias?" He asked for further reassurance.

"Yes. I promise" If having my two guards with me puts his mind at ease I would take them along even though I know they'd be powerless against Azra.

I parted ways with Cal after giving him instructions to gather all the information he could on the council men and high born fae in our realm. Those who could be members of this potential rebellion against the light and dark realms. That would keep him busy, keep his mind from worrying.

I reached my room to find Ivan and Andrias waiting for me. Clad in armour and swords at their sides. Ivan as stern as ever and Andrias meeting my gaze with a gleam in his eye.

I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. Opening the door wider I turned
"Both of you. Come in."

Andrias immediately entered the room and Ivan slowly followed behind. He raised an eyebrow when I turned and smiled.

"I have a favoured to ask of you both. One that puts you at risk. So if you don't want to go along with me then please say so and stay." I said.

"What is it?" Ivan asked. His deep voice stern yet still full of warmth.

I chose in that moment to trust them.
"I've tried and tried to control this magic but I can't. The light realms border is crumbling and if I can't control this magic the border will fall. Everyone in this realm will die if I don't reenforce the border."

I paused briefly. The constant gleam in Andrias eyes had vanished.

"I have a last resort. One I was hoping to avoid for my own selfish reasons. The dark prince has offered his help in exchange for some cooperation in dealing with the voiderz reeking havoc on the dark realm, the realm between and soon enough the light realm."

"Why are you telling us this?" Ivan asked.

"Because I want to trust you both....and I want you to come with me. That's if you both want to." I replied. Both guards looked to one another.

"You won't have to do anything...except be there. The meeting will be in this realm, the dark prince is untrustworthy so I can't guarantee your complete safety. But I can guarantee that if he makes any attempt to harm either of you, I will release this unruly magic I have on his ass." I offered my best smile.

"With an offer like that how can we refuse." Andrias straightened, his usual flair and the constant slight amusement in his eyes returning.

I scoffed "speak for yourself." I turned to Ivan awaiting his response.

"You have a wife and child, I would understand if you refuse." I said.

"It has been my life long duty to serve and protect the crown. I'm not about to stop now." His face remained passive but his voice was softer.

I inclined my head in thanks.
"Then let's go."

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