a bright light and a jerk.

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After the recent events that happened on the eliminations, they ended up losing two contestants at the same time, an scientific that was declared the threat to their team, and the microphone who didn't feel like her heart was on the right place anymore and wanted to start over, everyone has been really quiet despite the tensions that remained between them.

Only four contestants.

And a prize.

Everyone had their reasons to play this game.

Well... everyone did. But they didn't really know the reasons of a certain jerk to want to win the prize. And they still didn't, despite Knife being one of the last remaining contestants.

And they're all not even sure of what to do in this case. They're all friends. They all care about eachother. What's the point of it?

However, Knife's mind is not focusing on that right now. He's still pretty much processing everything. How he was almost voted out. How Microphone warned him about Taco. MePad's disappearance. The lack of challenges ultimately. How... silent, everything felt. As he wipes the dust off of his leather jacket, he can't help but think about his last conversation with Microphone. How relieved she looked to leave the show.

And how he asked her to say hi to Pickle.

He wonders how they're doing. He misses their smiles, if he's going to be honest. Knife hopes to just win the prize and get back with them.

He... he missed them. The sharp object can't help but be a bit worried about the "loud one", as she seemed slightly overwhelmed as she left, but calm nonetheless.

Knife shakes his head.

He knew that his friend would have gotten an nice welcoming at OJ's hotel, an really old friend of theirs who wanted to make an special place for all of them after he won the prize on the first season. Knowing Microphone, she probably was already befriending Pickle. Hopefully.

The two of them could use a new friend, he thinks. The pocket knife just wants them to be happy. A light blush appears on his cheeks when he thinks about it, and then, he grumbles.

"Right. I have to finish this before the next challenge starts." Knife says to himself, now sitting down and laying his back slightly at  the tree trunk that was behind of him. The  self proclaimed jerk had an small bag in hands, and he carefully proceeded to get out the contents of it.

... materials for knitting and doing crochet. Cotton. Needles. And apparently, he was half way through making... very small wollen shoes. But why?

Then, he gets the last object that was remaining on the bag he had, very gently.

A hand-made Dora Doll. Knife smiled at it softly. It still had to get the hair properly attached to the head, the shoes and some other details, but that was just about to get solved. Ever since the jerk lost his dear doll on that forsaken haunted mansion, the man couldn't help but think about it. That doll was dear to him and it helped him to get through so much pain and stress. And he saw her just. Shattering, being ripped of limb by limb, infront of his very eyes. So... he decided to get back at very old hobbies, and try to make himself a new one, since he was somewhat embarassed at the idea of asking MePhone4 for any other doll he had left, as he simply just got it from a silly challenge years ago.

He has been trying to finish it for a while now, but never really got to it thanks to the  challenges and on going behind-the-scenes shenanigans. He was there mostly because of his friends, because as much the gray-eyed tried to deny it... he had a soft spot for them. Knife enjoyed to spend time with his friends. With people who accepted him the way that he is and acts. But now?

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