Chapter Five

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"Why us?" I ask the moon for probably the hundredth time.

I've been sitting on a boulder up on the ridge to the side of the house since I ran from Phoebe and Grace. The moon is high and I assume it's now around midnight. It's pretty isolated up here. The ring of trees on the edges shield me from the rest of the world.

"There you are!" I turn to see Sage standing by the enterence to the little tree circle.

Actually it's more of an oval.

Sage, now dressed in grey kaki shorts and a white button up shirt, rushes forward and embraces me in a hug for the first time.

"Thank the goddess your alright. I was so worried when I returned and no one knew where you were."

I push him away with as much strength as I can muster in my tired state but he only stumbles back a few steps.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking a little hurt.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!" I say angrily standing up. "I order you to stay put?!"

Sage tenses before sighing deeply.

"I thought you said I would get equal say in things?! Not have you ordering me around like some puppet!" I yell.

"You didn't know what you were up against." He says raising his voice a bit.

"It didn't matter! I know how to take care of myself!"

"I didn't want you getting hurt." He says, the anger slowly beginning to appear on his face.

"I wouldn't have gotten hurt! I am a warrior! Back home I-"

"Back home?!" He yells suddenly startling me. "I thought you said this was your home?!" He spits.

I watch as his body starts to shake and start again quieter.

"You know I didn't mean it that way."

"Didn't mean it?!" He yells turning and gesturing up at the sky before turning back to me, eyes glowing copper in the moonlight. "Of course you meant it! Don't think I'd didn't hear you! You asked her why!" He points up at the moon. "Why us, and I ignored it because I was so happy to see you were alright!"

"Sage." I say stepping forward.

"No!" He says putting his hands up. "Why don't you just go home?!"

"What?!" I cry in surprise.

"Don't think I don't see it! Your dissapointment when you realized it was me! The way you were ashamed to be seen with me! You don't even want to be here do you?!" I open my mouth but he cuts me off. "Just go home!"

He turns around and crosses his arms across his chest. I'm left speechless as I watch his body shake violently. Finally I hesitantly step forward.

"This is my home."

"No it isn't!" He yells spinning around, tears now running down his cheeks. "You don't even care! You didn't even want me, but felt too bad to reject me! You know what's worse than being rejected?! Being accepted out of pity!"

"That's not true!" I yell startling him for a moment. "I didn't want to reject you. Because I care for you. My wolf cares for you. You are my mate." I say as Regal Warrior whines miserably.

With tears still streaking down his cheeks he slowly shakes his head.

"Don't lie." He whispers.

"I'm not lying! How can I prove this to you?!" I cry. When he remains silent I grab the strap of my tank top and bra and pull them off my shoulder. "Mark me."


"Mark me. Make me yours. Then you will feel my thoughts and know the truth."


"What?" I say in surprise.

"No I won't mark you, and I never will. Because it's not what you want." He says shaking his head again and looking down.

"Yes it is!" I plead.

"No it's not! Don't lie! I know you! I know you don't want to be stuck with me! By the simple fact you have avoided me since the day you met me!" He yells squeezing his eyes shut.

"That's not true!" I say stepping forward.

"Oh really?!" His eyes fly open, still copper, and red from crying. "Then why do you just now know you're my mate?! I've known you for four years Desiré! I knew! And it always hurt!"

"How could you possibly know." I say shakily.

"I had my suspicions. I always knew people avoided me. Thought I was weird. Crazy. But I never let it get to me. But you! It hurt when you walked away! It hurt when you lied to my face! It hurt when you pretended I was invisible! It hurt me Desiré! Right here!" He cries pointing over his heart.

I step forward and grab the sides of Sage's head. Pulling him towards me I place my lips on his sending sparks through my body. He tenses at the sudden gesture before slowly melting into the kiss. I open my mouth and slide my tongue across his lips, asking to deepen the kiss. But instead of the answer I was hoping for he pushes me away.

"No! Stop it! Stop lying to cheer me up!" He cries bringing his hands up to his face.

"I'm not lying!" I scream.

"Yes! Yes you are..." He sobs.

Gritting my teeth together, I quickly leap forward. I tackle Sage to the ground and land on top of him, quickly pinning him down. He snarls up at me in anger.

"What?" I ask impatiently.

"I... Don't like, being submissive." He growls.

"Too fucking bad." I spit before crashing our lips together again.

I ask to deepen the kiss again and this time he willingly accepts. As our tongues intwine I moan into his lips and hear him grunt in satisfaction. Leaving his lips, he groans in dissapointment before I begin to kiss along his jaw. He raises his chin as I trail kisses along his neck. Regal Warrior begins to push forward as I reach a hand up to unbutton his collar.

"What are you-" He begins to say before trailing off into a moan as I slide my now sharp teeth across his neck.

I almost rip the shirt away from his shoulder in hunger. Swiftly I begin kissing all along the muscles in his shoulder. Again I swipe my fangs over his soft skin gaining another moan.


I lift my head to see his copper eyes glare at my from an angle.

"Do it."

With a grin I sink my fangs into his shoulder. Sage cries out in pain but I keep my jaw firm in its place. He suddenly snarls and swats at me but I still refuse to release. His body finally relaxes and I unhook my jaw. My tongue gliding over his shoulder to clean the wound. I then stand up and step away from him with energy flowing through my body. Sage whimpers on the ground and lazily tries to open his eyes.

"We should get back. It's late." I say softly.

"N-no. Just c-come back here." He says weakly lifting an arm out to me.


"Lay with me."

I smile down at him, lowering myself to the ground and laying beside him on my back. His hand brushes mine and I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"The sky sure is pretty tonight." I say looking up at the stars.

"Mn hm." He mumbles back.

The silence of the night fills the air as we lay motionless on our backs.


"Hm?" I hum turning my head to see him already looking at me.

"I believe you." He smiles.

I smile back but then I realize something. I can feel his emotions through our bond which has now been strengthened, even if it's faint. But it suddenly concerns me. Under that smile hides uncertainty, fear, and self pity. I smile and squeeze his hand reassuringly.

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